Plentix Token Metric and Hard Cap Update

Plentix ICO
2 min readMay 31, 2018


We’ve been amazed by the level of growth and support in our community over the past few weeks. We have received a lot of feedback, from our community, advisors and influencers, and we’re listening.

While the overall token metric is great, we decided to allocate more percentage of tokens to crowd funding and less in Plentix; this will diversify the ecosystem greatly over our community and will help with less price manipulation in future by having more people own the token.

Although never announced to the public, Plentix originally had 25M hard cap, which was reduced when first publicly announced to 10M. We listened again to our community, advisors and influencers and decided to return to our original hard cap. This will help Plentix massively to ramp up future growth and will facilitate exchange listings, which will benefit our supporters.

We are increasing REFER token prices, and hence the total number of tokens will be reduced.

  • Total number of Tokens: 400M
  • Token Price: 0.1 $
  • Soft Cap: 3M
  • The ratio of token sale and supply was previously 50%. Plentix now has 70% of tokens for sale instead of 50%.
  • Hard Cap: 24M
  • All unsold tokens will be burnt.

We hope that you will all react positively to this news, as due to the changes, we will be enabled to progress Plentix more rapidly, starting immediately after our token sale. We will also be able to build out Plentix further, adding more value to the platform and ecosystem as a whole.



Plentix ICO
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