Why Millennials are the Key to the Survival of Blockchains

Plentix ICO
Published in
2 min readMay 2, 2018

Unlike some generations, millennials welcome new industry subtleties with open arms. After all, they are the generation that grew up side by side with the digital development, so it’s no surprise that this generation is the most adaptive to new technology and advancements.

Not only do millennials take up most of the human population on Earth, but their spending habits outweigh those of older and younger generations — even though many of them struggle to maintain a healthy financial future. Bearing the financial burden left to them by their precursors, there is a lot of evidence showing that this generation is actually poorer than the previous at the same age range. Yet, they are willing to spend big.

In the light of financial struggles, cryptocurrencies stand out as a small defiance to the millennial generation.

Growing up with the digital age and adapting to new changes as they come, it’s no wonder that they find digital currencies intriguing.

Considering this generation matured alongside the internet, and are generally tech-savvy — and it shows in the way they review products/services as well. It is not uncommon to refer their friends and family members to products/services they’ve tried via social media or in person. This group is generally vocal about the things they like or dislike, and often seeks out referrals and reviews from others before making a purchasing decision.

When combining their interests of new and revolutionary technology and their need for assurance, Plentix is a great option for millennials seeking to get involved in the crypto world. Referrals are something people partake in their daily lives, freely, so why not get paid for it?

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Photo credits to freepik.



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