DeFi 💜 Art: The Journey of the Plenty Collection on Tezos

The timeless alliance between financial institutions and art finds a modern, blockchain-driven expression through the ‘Plenty Collection’. We not only celebrate the global diaspora of artistic creativity but also reinforce our commitment to fostering a community-centric financial ecosystem. The journey from ‘naan collection’ to ‘Plenty Collection’ is a testament to our evolving narrative, one that resonates with the ethos of inclusivity, innovation, and a deep-rooted appreciation for cultural and artistic diversity.

3 min readOct 26, 2023


About a year ago, for our mobile wallet naan (now rebranded as Plenty Wallet) we started collecting Art on Tezos under the name ‘naan collection’. Curated by the discerning eye of Varun Desai, or Varundo on Twitter, this collection was more than a mere assortment of NFTs. It was a loud cheer for the artists on Tezos, a spotlight shone on the flourishing Tezos art realm. It was an exploration that began with a nostalgic delve into the roots, heralding the creations of Brazilian artists and the vibrant marketplace of hicetnunc. The journey meandered through the empowering Girlsgang event, lauding the artistic prowess of female and non-binary artists, particularly in the realm of photography. The third phase was an ode to the ingenuity of coders within Tezos, illuminating the world of generative and interactive art.

As we transition to the ‘Plenty Collection’, we are thrilled to announce ‘phase 4’ of this unique curation. Varundo now turns his focus towards the Indian subcontinent, coinciding with the 2nd annual 9nights event — a marathon minting festivity celebrating the Indian Navratri. This phase is a kaleidoscopic venture into the colors and creativity stemming from the Indian and South Asian diaspora, illuminating the rich tapestry of traditions, narratives, and artistic expressions. As the 9nights event unfolds, a vibrant array of artwork celebrates not only the Indian Navratri but also the broader spectrum of human creativity and cultural heritage. This curated collection transcends geographical boundaries, embracing contributions from artists hailing from various regions who have participated in this year’s 9nights event, thereby fostering a global dialogue of artistic exchange and appreciation.

Plenty’s stride into the realm of art, akin to traditional financial entities, marks a significant stride towards fostering a holistic, culturally rich, and inclusive DeFi ecosystem. As we relaunch the ‘Plenty Collection’, we reiterate our commitment not just to financial innovation but to a vision that appreciates and integrates art and culture as vital facets of the decentralized financial narrative. Join us in this exhilarating journey as we explore, celebrate, and invest in the cultural and artistic diversity that the Tezos ecosystem so uniquely offers.

About Plenty

Plenty V3 features Concentrated Liquidity: a revolutionary approach that allows liquidity providers to allocate their capital within a specific price range. Plenty allows swaps on uncorrelated assets, and low-cost, near 0 slippage trades on tightly correlated assets. Plenty also features a built-in bridge from Ethereum and Polygon to Tezos. Plenty Wallet is a fun, simple, and secure way to explore the new world of Web3 on iOS and Android.




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