A Veganized Menu: Vegan Ninja Kiki Adami

Plenty Vegan
Plenty Vegan
Published in
4 min readJun 22, 2017

Meet Kiki Adami, the woman behind Veganizer — an organization that can help your city’s favorite restaurant finally have a veganized menu.

veganized menu veganizer logo

A True Veganizer

I’ve been following Veganizer for a while now. They’re a very cool organization that will help any restaurant in the world convert from a carnivore menu to a veganized menu. That’s a lot of veganized recipes! Amazing.

Kiki Adami is the founder of Veganizer. She has been a vegetarian for most of her life and, of course, is currently a vegan. Learn more from her about her commitment to animal welfare (her dog is vegan! — controversial?) and the tips she has for new vegans.

How long have you eaten vegan?

veganized menu kiki adami

Vegetarian at 12. Raw foodist at 21. Ethical Vegan at 23.

Why did you decide to eat vegan?

WHY NOT BE VEGAN?!?!?! There are too many reasons to say! Short answer: animals, planet, world hunger, human consciousness raising, personal salvation, personal health… Did I mention the animals? My brain has three reoccurring thoughts in a loop: save the animals, make money, take care of my dog.

What was the hardest part about starting your vegan journey?

Hardest part was bearing witness. Watching videos and seeing what the animals go through was gut wrenching. No one can go back to eating animals after seeing such pain and suffering. Nothing in life is difficult after seeing what animals go through.

Do you have any tips for new vegans?

Breathe… And constantly think that 3x a day you are making a huge difference. Find your tribe because your previous peeps may not get it right away, if ever. Connect with your tribe on social media… You will need that emotional support.

Do you have any tips for: travel, eating with friends/family, eating at restaurants — times when it might be more difficult to eat vegan?

Download Happy Cow… ASAP.

Speak-up and have high expectations when going out. Don’t let a crowd make you quiet your concerns. Ask exactly the questions you want to ask at a restaurant that isn’t vegan… You asking questions, raises the demand of vegan food and plants seeds of consciousness to those who need to answer your questions.

How do you stay motivated to eat vegan?

Not sure if it’s motivation. It costs me nothing to eat compassionately. Vegans eat just like omnivores. There is no difference. We place our food on our fork and then lead it to our mouth just like anyone else. Only difference is the ingredients on our fork did not die prior to consumption. The idea of eating flesh is simply nauseating (including liquid meat: milk) so really I don’t need motivation. However, having the animals on my mind does motivate me to be a vegan that goes beyond simply eating vegan 3x a day. The animals motivate me to push the social needle and make vegan food the norm.

If you have kids — what should parents know about feeding their children a plant-based diet?

No kids…But I do have a dog who is vegan. Loving life, healthy, full of energy for four years.

What are some of your favorite vegan meals/food?

Anything with a combination of cream sauce, truffle, garlic is my kryptonite.

However, 90% of the time, I’m a simple girl and I just eat massive creative salads! Topped with all sorts of delicious veggies, hummus and avocado!

Anything else we should know?!

The future of food is plants… Restaurants don’t know this, so it’s our job to bring them there. It’s to their benefit to get in line with the times so don’t feel guilty or shy about speaking up at omnivore restaurants. It’s the biggest favor you can do for them. Show them what consumers want so they can stay in business!

veganized menu kiki dog

How can people get in touch with you or check out your work?

Website: www.theveganizers.com

Instagram: TheVeganizers

Facebook: Veganizers

Get A Veganized Menu!

The mission of Veganizer is so admirable. I think it’s a great idea to work with existing restaurants to show them the vegan way.

You can do this in your town too! Like Kiki said — show them there is demand for vegan food. Maybe it will mean more vegan restaurants in your town and around the world!

How is your journey to veganism going? What’s it like trying to eat vegan in your town? Share below and follow Plenty Vegan on Instagram to connect!

Originally published on Plenty Vegan.

