
Epic Version

JP Timko
3 min readSep 30, 2022

Rush and King Crimson

Image by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Okay take a seat, grab your favorite beverage or inhalable weed (or both).

Rate a Record as originated by Dick Clark on American Bandstand and bought to Medium by Terry Barr, and in particularly inspired by his last installment of “Acid Ratings” has reached the land of iconoclastic rock (progressive rock to those who prefer the derisive term).

When talented musicians experiment, get self-indulgent, the music is ever interesting, and sometimes reaches a broad audience. The two songs here come from different eras, different continents (though both within what is still now the Commonwealth), and very different musical outfits.

To recap the rules, the idea is to rate each song between 35 and 98. As perfectly arbitrary as the standards the musicians below (all 7 of them) employ.

The original “Rate-a-Record” allowed for thirty seconds for each song. Good luck here. The first track is divided into twelve segments, the second has at least two distinct themes in addition to the main one. If you insist on 30 seconds, I suggest “A Lerxst in Wonderland” from the first be compared to “Return of the Fire Witch” in the second.

Please, turns the lights off or down and enjoy. Have a drink, smoke or toke (*legal in majority of states)…



JP Timko

Long memory, philosopher, advocate of The Exuberant Life, believer in the little things