
Explore your domain — by literally watching your language

Martin Schimak ☕
Eventually Consistent


It’s a clear and peaceful sunday morning in Vienna, not stormy but storming! For some psy reasons I can’t sleep anymore. So? Before my family gets up and wants to have breakfast with me, I write about a really lightweight workshop format I had my fair share of client successes with in the recent months ...

Vienna, Austria, from the Stephansdom’s rooftop on a sunday morning (for sure!-)

… it is a format to explore and understand user journeys, work procedures and whole business processes by telling stories and by focusing on their domain language. I currently use it in the context of software projects, but it can turn out to be useable way beyond this context.

The aspects of Storystorming, I blog about today are influenced by Stefan Hofer’s and Henning Schwentner’s thoughts about Domain Storytelling, by Alberto Brandolini’s EventStorming and Adam Dymitruk’s Event Modeling, which I had the honor to learn about during Alberto’s Summit 2018 in Bologna. See a picture of this awesome community meetup below. I will forever remember Bologna! Then there are also influences coming from Jeff Patton’s User Story Mapping and — last not least — its style is also a bit induced by my in-depth knowledge of Stephen White’s BPMN, a very powerful, almost almighty process model and notation and an ISO standard (ISO/IEC 19510:2013) by now. But, as much as I adore its…



Martin Schimak ☕
Eventually Consistent

I’m #storystorming your business 🤟 Modeling #DDDesign Collaboration 🍡 Processes, Sagas in Distributed Systems 👷‍♂️ @dddvienna @reactivevienna