IoT Over-the-Air (OTA) Updates: Strengthening Business Resilience with Reliable Device Updates

Poonam G
Plexusbit Software
Published in
5 min readJul 26, 2023

Imagine you are a leading IoT device manufacturer with a large number of customers spread across the world. One day while you are on a vacation with your family on a nice beach, you come across alarming news that a critical vulnerability has been discovered. It is posing a significant risk of data compromise across your devices.

You take a deep breath and understanding the urgency of the matter, inform your team to develop a security patch to fix the issue. The team being excellent in the job, does it quickly.

With the OTA update infrastructure already in place, you initiate a company-wide effort to push the security patch to your customers located worldwide. You also immediately notify your customers about the critical update through automated messages on their devices. You emphasize the significance of installing the update promptly to ensure their data remains protected.

The OTA update seamlessly applies the security patch and protects their devices against the vulnerability and enhancing their data privacy.

Now, imagine you don’t have an OTA in place — actually, don’t! You already know that would be a nightmare🙂

OTA stands for Over-the-Air, referring to the wireless distribution of software updates and firmware upgrades to devices.

By leveraging OTA, manufacturers can ensure

✔ Security patches and bug fixes

✔ Functionality and performance enhancements

✔ Ever improving user experience

✔ Minimised downtime

OTA eliminates the need for manual updates, reduces costs associated with on-site visits, and enables efficient and timely updates across a wide range of devices.

OTA (Over-the-Air) updates are essential for maintaining and enhancing the functionality of IoT devices. There are three primary architectures for OTA updates: Edge-to-Cloud (E2C), Gateway-to-Cloud (G2C), and Edge-to-Gateway-to-Cloud (E2G2C). Each architecture offers distinct advantages depending on the specific IoT deployment scenario.

  1. Edge-to-Cloud OTA Updates (E2C):

In the E2C architecture, devices directly communicate with the cloud server to receive OTA updates. This architecture is suitable for IoT deployments where devices have sufficient processing power and connectivity to connect directly to the cloud. E2C updates enable seamless and secure delivery of firmware updates, bug fixes, and new features, ensuring devices stay up to date without the need for intermediate gateways.

2. Gateway-to-Cloud OTA Updates (G2C):

The G2C architecture involves using a gateway device that acts as an intermediary between the cloud server and the edge devices. The gateway aggregates data from multiple devices and communicates with the cloud server for OTA updates. This architecture is suitable for large-scale deployments with resource-constrained edge devices. The gateway performs data preprocessing and manages the OTA update process, allowing for efficient and controlled updates across multiple devices.

3. Edge-to-Gateway-to-Cloud OTA Updates (E2G2C):

The E2G2C architecture combines the benefits of both edge and gateway approaches. Edge devices communicate with a gateway device, which then forwards the data and manages OTA updates with the cloud server. This architecture is suitable for scenarios where edge devices have limited connectivity or processing capabilities but can communicate with a nearby gateway. E2G2C updates provide a balance between localized processing and centralized management, offering flexibility and scalability.

Overall, the choice of OTA architecture depends on factors such as device capabilities, connectivity, scalability requirements, and data processing needs. Whether it’s E2C, G2C, or E2G2C, OTA updates ensure devices receive timely updates, enhancing security, performance, and functionality in the ever-evolving IoT landscape.

For OTA to enable secure, efficient, and reliable firmware updates, it needs to be equipped with several crucial features. These features optimize device performance, security, functionality and enhance the user experience.

Key features of OTA (Over-the-Air) updates in IoT deployments include:

Differential Updates

To optimize bandwidth usage and reduce the size of update packages, differential updates or binary deltas are crucial. Instead of transmitting the entire firmware, these features identify and send only the changes or differences between the existing firmware version and the updated version. This significantly reduces the amount of data transmitted, conserving bandwidth and minimizing update delivery time.

Update Scheduling and Deployment Management

The ability to schedule and manage OTA updates is essential, especially in large-scale deployments. Administrators should have the flexibility to schedule updates during non-peak hours to avoid network congestion or device overload. Additionally, the system should support phased deployments, allowing updates to be rolled out gradually to minimize any potential disruptions.

Error Handling and Rollback

OTA systems should have mechanisms in place to handle errors or failures that may occur during the update process. Error handling ensures that issues are identified, reported, and appropriately managed. Rollback procedures allow devices to revert to a previous known working version in case of update failures, ensuring continuity of device functionality.

Secure Authentication and Encryption

OTA updates require robust security measures to ensure the integrity and authenticity of update packages. Secure authentication mechanisms, such as digital signatures and certificates, verify the legitimacy of updates. Encryption techniques, such as TLS, protect the transmission of updates, safeguarding them from unauthorized access or tampering.

Monitoring and Reporting

OTA systems offer monitoring and reporting capabilities that provide visibility into the status and health of the update process. This includes tracking the progress of updates, collecting feedback from devices or users, and identifying any issues or anomalies that may arise. Real-time reporting and analytics assist in troubleshooting, optimizing performance, and ensuring successful OTA updates.

Key Challenges in Implementing OTA Updates for IoT Ecosystems

While OTA updates may seem comparable to system upgrades at first glance, they bring forth a set of distinct challenges and complexities.

Recognizing and addressing those are crucial to effectively implement OTA updates and ensure seamless, secure, and efficient firmware updates for IoT devices. Below are some of the challenges we need to consider while designing an efficient OTA system

  • Connectivity and Bandwidth Limitations: IoT devices may have limited or intermittent connectivity, posing challenges in delivering OTA updates efficiently.
  • Device Heterogeneity: Managing compatibility and updates across diverse devices from different manufacturers and firmware versions requires careful consideration.
  • Over-the-Air Update Reliability: Ensuring reliable OTA update delivery, even in the presence of network interruptions, is critical for successful updates.
  • Power and Resource Constraints: OTA updates must be optimized to minimize power consumption and resource utilization in resource-constrained IoT devices.
  • Error Handling and Rollback: Addressing errors and failures during OTA updates is essential to maintain device functionality and user experience.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to industry-specific regulations and data privacy laws adds complexity to OTA update implementations.

IoT OTA updates are a fundamental aspect of device management in the IoT ecosystem. They enable organizations to enhance connectivity, efficiency, and security by remotely updating device firmware, software, and configurations. By leveraging precise and decisive OTA updates, organizations can optimize performance, address vulnerabilities, and adapt to evolving requirements, ensuring the seamless and secure operation of IoT systems.

Originally published at on July 18, 2023.

