UpCloud integration with Ploi.io

Dennis Smink
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2019

We have recently added the UpCloud integration with Ploi.io to offer more diversity in our panel but also for a nice partnership with UpCloud.

UpCloud is a very nice cloud server provider with extraordinary statistics. They provide high performance SSD servers up to 100,000 IOPS, 100% uptime SLA and 24/7 support.

Currently they offer server locations from over all over the world;

  • San Jose
  • Chicago
  • London
  • Amsterdam
  • Frankfurt
  • Helsinki
  • Singapore

Lots to choose from!

We have had the chance to test their servers while integrating UpCloud in our system, and we were positively surprised. Their servers are fluent, reactive and fast.

While integrating we also experienced a taste of UpCloud’s support. We actually found a minor bug in the Zone API and notified UpCloud about this. They replied within 4 minutes in the chat and even gave us further support. What was more surprising was that we were dealing with a ‘support operator’ and not a developer, but it seemed the ‘support operator’ had quite some knowledge from API’s, he was actually thinking along with you about what could be wrong.

To encapsulate, we have a joy working with UpCloud together. They are very nice and smart people.

Creating a server with Ploi and UpCloud is really easy, only thing you have to do is create API credentials in your UpCloud account, and add these in Ploi. You can do this in the server creation screen by number 1 or add them in your profile.

Press number 2 (UpCloud button) to get started creating your UpCloud server.

You now get the possibility to select your credentials you’ve entered, the plan and region where your server should be located.

Setup additional settings like PHP or MySQL and start creating your server!

This is basically it, now let Ploi do its thing for about 10~20 minutes to fully install your server. After this your ready to fly 🚀


