Unlocking Creativity: 3 Methods to Spark Fresh Story Ideas

Kendall Kain
Plot & Parchment
Published in
3 min readNov 10, 2023


Sometimes we discover great ideas organically, that is, we fumble across an idea or plot point that sparks inspiration. As writers, we often gather and shake ideas, putting words to paper in a mad dash to get them out of our head.

But sometimes it doesn’t come as easily. In those moments, how do we discover ideas worth writing? How many times have you sat down to shape a story to find your mind blank?

Here are my favorite ways to discover new story ideas:

Writer unlocking creativity by brainstorming his writing ideas.
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Try free writing

Free writing is rapid, uncensored, and spontaneous writing without all the filters we usually write with.

No thought, no judgement.

Just writing whatever comes to mind. It may seem straightforward, but free writing is great because it helps get your ideas out of your head and onto paper.

To practice this discovery method, set aside the first 5 or 10 minutes of each writing session. If you don’t know where to start, start with that.

Write “I am starting my free writing and I have no idea where to begin, or what to write.” Literally transcribe whatever words pop into your head.

Another thing I do is just look up. Look out the window, into a mirror, or into any corner…



Kendall Kain
Plot & Parchment

Kendall Kain is a respected nonfiction writer known for their insightful exploration of a diverse range of subjects.