Meet Adrian Borrmann: Senior Software Engineer

Published in
5 min readJun 5, 2024

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work at Plotly?

In this blog series, we will provide insight into the daily experiences of working at Plotly. We have interviewed team members from various departments, including Engineering, Customer Success and Solutions, Sales, and Professional Services to give a comprehensive view of Plotly.

What would you say to someone who was considering Plotly as a place to work?

It’s a great company, so come prepared to put your learning hat on — there’s a lot to learn! Embrace an attitude of diving into hard problems because there’s a lot that can be solved here. This is a great environment to figure things out. Don’t be afraid to dive into the deep end.

What is your favorite part about working for Plotly?

I really enjoy the sense of accomplishment and recognition I feel when I deliver work that is celebrated by both customers and team members outside of my own. This culture of celebrating each other’s achievements and encouraging one another to excel is prevalent at Plotly. It means we often get the opportunity to do our best and see our efforts recognized and appreciated.

Why did you choose to work at Plotly? What made us stand out?

The space that Plotly operates in is very interesting — a cool combination of visually appealing elements and intriguing technical challenges behind the scenes. As both a user and someone on the inside, it’s a fun mix of creating solutions that look beautiful for users. I also really like the idea of working with an open-source company that is well-respected for its contributions.

What three words describe your Plotly experience?

Balanced — a healthy tonic balance of various aspects at work, supportive — with a team that builds each other up, and engaging — offering interesting challenges that are fun to sink your teeth into and plenty to tackle.

In a few sentences, what do you do at Plotly?

I am a software engineer on the App Studio team, and I get to write a lot of cool code that helps people with varying levels of Python expertise create interesting web apps for their data. I spend a lot of time thinking about how someone who doesn’t want to code — or even a Python expert who doesn’t want to bother with HTML or CSS — can still achieve their goals, and I help them accomplish that. We handle huge amounts of data and focus on how our users can easily transform data science notebooks into beautiful, interactive applications. I get to help our customers achieve their goals just by using the products I make.

What is the most significant thing you have learned while working here?

On a technical level, I am learning so much. I thought I was proficient in Python when I joined Plotly, but there’s always more to learn. Plotly provides numerous opportunities to delve into aspects like memory management and the software side of Python, which has expanded my skills and understanding.

What are your proudest accomplishments so far during your time at Plotly?

I would say being part of the App Studio team is right up there. We’ve delivered an amazing product that is really making its mark with customers. Being part of a team that delivered something so impressive, where we work well together and move quickly, I am very proud of what we’ve accomplished with App Studio.

Do you have a mentor or role model? Who are they, and what are they like?

Although they are mentors from years past, I continue to draw inspiration from two of my music professors in university. They taught me how to merge passion and discipline to produce amazing work. Through them, I saw and learned how to bring creativity, kindness, and empathy to my endeavors in life. Although I’m now an engineer rather than a musician, those same lessons inspire me to apply creativity and professionalism to my everyday work.

Have you read, watched, or listened to anything recently that has really impacted you?

I find a lot of inspiration in live music, especially when attending symphony orchestra performances. Watching professionals work together, delivering their absolute best, draws strong parallels to a software team at its peak. Observing how orchestras perform — often under the leadership of a conductor who may be new to them, requiring them to adapt and work on the fly — provides deep insights into teamwork and preparation. I draw from this experience and aim to bring that level of excellence to our team, ultimately delivering outstanding results to our customer base.

Are you involved in volunteering in your community?

Yes, I volunteer at a local jazz club. I help run the show for the evening, enjoying the time spent there and the opportunity to support the musicians. It’s a great way to be involved and contribute to the community while enjoying some fantastic music.

What is one thing you would like your colleagues to know?

I really appreciate all their hard work and the support I receive from them. I hope to give some of that back to their work as well. I love the work we are able to produce together, and it’s a ton of fun working as a team.

What advice would you give to someone new joining Plotly?

We solve a lot of hard problems here, and everyone is supportive of that. Even though you’re new and naturally want to make a good first impression, remember that everyone knows we’re tackling challenging work. Allow yourself to learn and take the time to absorb the huge scope of work we do and the breadth of products we offer. There’s no rush to dive into one project right away; there’s plenty to absorb. Take your time to learn about the wide range of stuff we do here.

Do you have a secret talent, or ( superpower) you want people to know about?

On the technical side, I actually have a passion for testing. In another life, I might have been a tester. My superpower lies in the coding realm, especially in test-driven development. I really enjoy using this approach to ensure our software is robust and reliable.

What is your favorite activity outside of work?

Camping and heading into the mountains are my favorites. There are always lots of adventures to be had when you’re out in nature like that.

What is your favorite place to travel?

The country of Slovenia is my favorite. It’s a charming little country next to Italy, and it reminds me a lot of Canada, especially its diverse geography and hockey culture. The people are lovely, the food is amazing, and the atmosphere is very laid back.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

I dream of spending winters somewhere tropical, and I really liked Panama City — it was neat. I can definitely see myself living there.

What’s one thing you can’t live without?

My partner Jon 💜 — His support through the ups and downs of life is essential!

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