Freeze! 🥶 There’s a new version of Plottr

C. Louis S.
Plottr Development
Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2020

Last year was a rough year for Plottr updates. Sure an Android version was released, but there’s been some annoying bugs on the desktop version and not many new features.

This year is going to change that in a big way. I’ve just recently quit my job so that I can focus on Plottr full-time 🎉 and this is the first of many new updates coming soon. 🥳

Freezing scenes and plot lines

The biggest new feature is frozen scene names and plot line names. When you scroll to the left, the names of your plot lines won’t scroll off the screen. \o/ And the same for scene names when you scroll down.

This was a very requested feature and you wouldn’t believe how hard it was to do that. I basically had to rewrite the whole timeline view. 😅

The new timeline view. On the right it’s scrolled right and down but the scene names and plot line names are still visible

Other timeline newness

Now the cards resize so you can have longer titles

There’s also a little plus sign between cards that lets you add a new scene more easily and will add a new card on that line at the same time. That should speed up your workflow even more!

Little plus button & vertical scrolled timeline


Now zooming will persist between changing tabs and dark mode will persist when you close Plottr.

Bug Fixes

There’s been an unfortunate number of bugs lately that are now fixed:

  • Auto updating (see below)
  • (Mac) timeline editing & dragging
  • (Mac) outline bug (couldn’t click on scenes)
  • highlighting misspelled words in descriptions
  • character filtering (sometimes buggy)

Remember how last update I said that Plottr will now update itself automatically? Well, it turns out one ‘!’ was in the wrong spot and it didn’t actually work … heh.

Free Trial

I’ve also made the free trial a smoother experience by improving the wording, what happens at the end of the trial, and a few other tweaks.

If you haven’t tried it out yet, now is a great time. And if you have, this update resets your 30 days so you can try it again.

Most—if not all—of these feature ideas have come from users who love Plottr. Thank you so much for helping to make it great and keep the ideas coming.

There’s some big improvements coming in the next few months! 🎈🎊

As always, happy plotting and please message me with any suggestions or problems. @CamSutter or C. Louis S. or


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C. Louis S.
Plottr Development

Father of 6, Inventor of Plottr, Author of Pizza Planet