Huge Plottr Improvements 🎊 🎈

Changelog v1.4

C. Louis S.
Plottr Development
3 min readOct 22, 2019


What’s New?

  • Huge changes to how Plottr looks: The colors are more distinct, fonts are bigger with more contrast, everything looks way better and more professional (Screenshots below).
  • Paragraph custom attributes: You can choose between one-line custom attributes for characters or full paragraphs for each custom attribute.
  • Rich text editing 💪 🎉: Now you don’t have to know Markdown. Check out the screenshots. Writing descriptions is going to be so much easier now especially with spell checking. Rich text editing is also now available in places where it wasn’t before (e.g. character notes, places notes).
  • Edit custom attributes: Now you don’t have to delete and recreate a custom attribute when you spelled it wrong. Just edit it. 🤯

What’s Fixed?

  • Some places that you’d expect to have rich text available but didn’t before, now have it: character notes and places notes.
  • When in vertical mode, the line length stopped short of the bottom. It should go all the way to the bottom now.
  • The card dialog now always shows the delete button. Before it was kind of hard to find.
  • When zoomed out and you click on a card, instead of zooming in, it will pop open the card. This way it doesn’t take you out of your zoom level.


So many improvements have come from users’ ideas. Thank you and keep them coming!

As always, happy plotting and please message me with any suggestions or problems. @StoryPlottr or C. Louis S. or


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C. Louis S.
Plottr Development

Father of 6, Inventor of Plottr, Author of Pizza Planet