Plottr Patreon Page

C. Louis S.
Plottr Development
Published in
1 min readApr 5, 2019

Like that alliteration?

Many of you have said that I’m practically giving Plottr away or have otherwise expressed concern that because it is so cheap there is a chance that it won’t last for the long-term. Well today I’m announcing the first way that you can help ensure Plottr stays around for many years to come and at the same time will make updates better.

I’ve created a Patreon page where you can support the development of consistent updates. Supporters will know about updates before anyone else. You’ll also be given access to a special internal chat group so that we can have more direct communication.

And at a second tier, you can be a part of Plottr’s future. I’ll give you a say in what I work on for future updates to Plottr.

Support the future of Plottr!



C. Louis S.
Plottr Development

Father of 6, Inventor of Plottr, Author of Pizza Planet