Plottr’s Newest Version

Changelog v1.3

C. Louis S.
Plottr Development
3 min readJun 25, 2018


Filter & Sort Characters & Places

You can now filter and sort characters and places by their custom attributes. It’s going to be really handy to see all of your places that are on one planet or in one city together, or all of the supporting characters, or all of the characters of the Artikan race. And sorting by age or character name or eye color is really going to help too.

This filtering and sorting also persists between tab switches and closing the file which is not the case for timeline/outline filtering.

Translated to French!

That’s right, Plottr is now translated into French. And Spanish is coming soon. Special thanks to Olivia Rigal for all the work she did to translate it.

Improved feedback/reporting problems

There’s a new page to send us feedback, report a problem, and suggest a feature. In the same spot you’ll be able to see FAQ and any knowledge articles we’ve posted to help you out.

Check it out at

Remove annoying defaults

Before, every time you’d create a new file, there were a lot of annoying defaults that got created for you: A tag, a character, a place, etc. But now, there are no more of those annoying defaults. The only thing you’ll see is a crisp, pristine file waiting for your imagination.

Free trial improvements

The free trial has changed! Before it was an unlimited amount of time but you couldn’t save anything you’ve worked on. How annoying was that? Well no more. You can now save all your work and actually use the product fully to create a real story for 30 days. It also doesn’t start you off at a tour file. It just gets out of your way and let’s you start creating.

As a side note, I just discovered that when you attempt to buy the full version right from the free trial, the link to use PayPal doesn’t work. So to buy with PayPal you’ll have to go to the website instead.

Bug fixes & misc.

  • Fixed empty tags. They no longer stick around
  • Fixed custom attribute ‘add’ buttons to actually add a custom attribute
  • You can now only open .pltr files in the open file dialog
  • Fixed vertical timeline bug that made cards misalign with their scenes
  • Fixed exporter bug that wouldn’t export if you didn’t have any characters, places, or tags
  • After editing a character/place, show that one in the details instead of the first one in the list


Filtering & Sorting characters and places

So many of these improvements have come from users’ ideas. Thank you!

As always, happy plotting and please message me with any suggestions or problems. @StoryPlottr or C. Louis S. or



C. Louis S.
Plottr Development

Father of 6, Inventor of Plottr, Author of Pizza Planet