Plow Team
Plow Finance
Published in
Apr 19, 2021

Getting Closer to Launch (update)

Hello everyone,

We’re plugging away at our dex. It’s coming along nicely. In a couple of weeks, we’ll let in some initial traders to test our private beta. This is the base design.

We wanted to give a quick update on some of the upcoming items. Here are some dates we’re looking at. Thanks for your patience:

New Website: April 30th

Early beta access to the new Dex: May 3rd

Whitepaper release: May 5th

The airdrop: May 10th. There will be a 6-week lockup with everyone from the airdrop being automatically whitelisted for our IDOs. Contests winners will not have their tokens locked.

We’re heading back to work. We’ll give another update in a week or so as we get closer to some of the events above.