PulseChain Is Putting a Heartbeat Back Into Crypto

PulseChain mainnet is alive and well, ready to surge

Eric Kleppen
PLS Planet


PulseChain Mainnet is Live

After years of development, PulseChain mainnet is finally live, bringing a crypto-community together and presenting a huge opportunity for Web3 developers. With PulseChain mainnet came the largest airdrop in the history of Crypto, giving all Ethereum users copies of their coins to use on PulseChain.

Like other block chains, you can explore on-chain activity using the PulseChain Explorer.

To trade assets and take advantage of lower gas fees, you can bridge over assets from Ethereum.

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Connect to PulseChain in three simple steps

If you haven’t already, be sure to add PulseChain to MetaMask so you can access the PulseChain mainnet.

  1. Open MetaMask and click the Networks dropdown
  2. Select “Custom Network”
  3. Enter the following information:
Network Name: PulseChain
New RPC URL: https://rpc.pulsechain.com…

