Introducing “SCHEMA”! — Supporting Japanese companies to create new business and branding

Saori Nicole
Plug and Play Japan Blog
8 min readDec 4, 2018

Plug and Play supports the collaboration of corporate partners and startups, but also our partners are promoting their own collaboration involving various companies for innovation.

One of our partners, ASATSU-DK INC. (referred to as ADK), has begun one such initiative. As of November 1, 2018, ADK started a project called “SCHEMA” to support business development of Japanese companies.

What is SCHEMA?

SCHEMA is a project to support Japanese companies’ in the creation of new business, branding and marketing for startup from the viewpoint of technology and creativity. There are many services using technologies such as AI and blockchain, but the important thing is how these technologies can successfully be commercialized and used in the daily lives of consumers. With SCHEMA, companies can improve their global business strategy and create new opportunities through consultation, mentorship and workshops.

In addition to Plug and Play Japan, this project also includes as partners Digital Hollywood University, (referred to as DigiHari) which has churned out a lot of technology-based startups; DMM.make AKIBA (referred to as DMM), a hardware startups’ base; and Hiroo Gakuen Junior & Senior High School (referred to as Hiroo Gakuen) which educates to grow the curiosity and diversity of students. Using SCHEMA, ADK and partners aim to create opportunities to collaborate with their company / talent network.

This time, we interviewed to Ms. Aiko Teranishi from ADK, who is the founder of SCHEMA, Mr. Kazuhiro Iketani from DigiHari, Ms. Yoko Kamimura from DMM, Mr. Tomikazu Ikeda, Chairman of the Board, Mr. Satoru Kaneko, Vice principal, Ms. Hisae Uematsu, Director, International Course from Hiroo Gakuen. They talked about the background of the establishment / partnership and the vision that they are aiming for with this project.

Ms. Aiko Teranishi from ADK Experience Center

Saori: Could you tell me about the reason for establishing SCHEMA?

Aiko Teranishi: Through the partnership with Plug and Play Japan, I had the opportunity to talk with various corporate partners. I realized the difficulty of involving business divisions to create new business and the complexity of the steps to overcome that have always been a major issue for many companies. In order to overcome these challenges, I wanted to establish a support platform for creating new business together with companies. Also, in Japan, there are not so many startups yet compared to other countries. In order to create innovative projects, I thought that helping startups grow and changing the education for entrepreneurs needed to happen in tandem. Therefore, I wanted to cooperate with partners like Plug and Play Japan, DigiHari, DMM that support Japanese entrepreneurs and startups for new business creation. In addition, we made partnership with Hiroo Gakuen, who is practicing education to grow diversity, curiosity and the global mind-set of students to give birth to world-class startups.

Mr. Kazuhiro Iketani, University Administrative Division Operating Officer of DegiHari

Saori: To DigiHari, DMM, and Hiroo Gakuen, why did you decide to participate as partners?

Kazuhiro Iketani: DigiHari is a top-class university which turns out the largest number of academic ventures. We have focused on creating new business and prototypes through our education. I believe that we are a rather new business model than a typical educational institution. As an example of our activities, we provide opportunities to match companies with students to help them create new projects together. What is interesting about this approach is the enthusiasm of new business creation can grow not only among students but within the corporates as well. When Aiko told me about SCHEMA, I thought we can contribute to the project through the activities of DigiHari for creating such an environment. I would like to establish a new community for business creation together.

Ms. Yoko Kamimura, Community Manager of DMM.make AKIBA

Yoko Kamimura: DMM.make AKIBA is a co-working space for hardware startups where they can actually make prototypes. Actually, we celebrated our fourth anniversary on November 1st! People gathered mainly from the IoT-oriented industries but the use of medium to large scale companies has been gradually increasing this past year. Over 300 companies are using our facility. There are 3 main reasons why corporate companies gather around our ecosystem. Firstly, many companies want to get in touch with our startup community. Secondly, developing prototypes for their own products at much faster pace compared to their own factories. Lastly, finding new talents that can develop products together. In order to respond to the need for talent, we also offer startup talent training programs at corporate companies. The need for the creation of new business among companies that DMM faces every day and the vision of SCHEMA aligned, so we decided to participate this project. We hope that new businesses starting from the craftsmanship coming out of this program will increase.

Mr. Tomikazu Ikeda, Chairman of the board of Hiroo Gakuen

Tomikazu Ikeda: In Japan, there is still the idea that the goal of a ‘successful’ person is to go to a university with a high valuation, but at Hiroo Gakuen, we help students select things that are in their own interests. For example, we provide opportunities to visit and listen to the stories of former students who are enrolled in universities in the U.S. By having such opportunities, students think more about “Why do you choose that path?” Not just aiming for one goal, it is important to value various ways of thinking and respect diversity. To encourage students, we are actively seeking opportunities to meet companies, people from other countries, and so on. When I heard about SCHEMA from Aiko, I thought it would be a good opportunity for students to further expand their possibilities.

Satoru Kaneko: At Hiroo Gakuen, teachers try to have as many ideas and contacts as possible in various fields so that they can provide opportunities to students when they want to do something. For example, we have set up a 3D printer inside the school to create an environment where students can immediately try to create something with it. I believe that by joining SCHEMA, we can increase such opportunities for students.

Mr. Satoru Kaneko, Vice principal, Junior and Senior high school of Hiroo Gakuen

Saori: I see each of those initiatives are consistent with SCHEMA’s vision. Is there any mind-set that SCHEMA values through the project?

Aiko Teranishi: The name SCHEMA was named from the ancient Greek word “schema (form / shape)”. I wanted to spread the mind of “try-first” among companies.

Kazuhiro Iketani: I agree with the importance of the “try-first” spirit. It is something that can not easily be done in a large company, but I think it is possible to encourage it by being in a community in which people in other cultures and fields gather.

Saori: Through SCHEMA, what kind of future are you hoping for Japanese companies?

Aiko Teranishi: I feel people in Japan still think that startups and technology is for geeks. But technology is a matter closely related to consumers, right? The word “open innovation” is now a buzzword, but I want Japanese society to be one which such collaboration is common. And I also want Japanese companies and people to spread throughout the world without a language barrier. SCHEMA is a project to support technology development. Branding seems to be unrelated to technology and development, but it is a very important element and we will back it up in this project. Of course branding and technology but also combining opposites, like science & art, is crucial for enterprises entering the global market.

Kazuhiro Iketani: I am always asking “Does this business make the world happy?” It is important for companies to think that the success of other businesses are pleasing. I want startups and companies with histories to enjoy collaboration itself and try to grow their business in collaboration with other companies, rather than only trying to sell their products. Through SCHEMA, I hope to spread the mindset that the success of others is to be celebrated.

Yoko Kamimura: I hope the “try-first” culture will be more common. Trying new things is difficult as companies grow bigger. However, joining a platform which has a culture of doing fun things can change people’s consciousness and behavior. As DMM, we would like to encourage various cultural mixes (Japan & overseas, corporate companies & startups, hard & digital) in the field of IoT. There might be better results when a digitally oriented person tries to collaborate with hardware oriented people. I would like companies that have specific needs to utilize resources that DMM has such as prototyping equipment and the talent network.

Ms. Hisae Uematsu, Director, International Course from Hiroo Gakuen

Hisae Uematsu: Through SCHEMA, we want to expand the viewpoint of students. We want them to learn through communication with people of different ages, nationalities and people who have experience in various fields. As faculty members, we also want to connect students with something rather than just teaching. By continuing to provide the connection, the students’ life and path will be created. There are very few professions that students can learn through in normal school life. For example, they can get in touch with teachers every day, but it is not easy for them to learn the expertise they need for consulting jobs. The more they connect with other people, the more their possibilities expand.

Tomikazu Ikeda: I hope faculty members will also be thrilled about new ideas and pick up various outside opportunities and provide them to the students.

At ADK office in Toranomon

SCHEMA started involving various corporate companies, startups and entrepreneurial human resources. It is said that projects inside SCHEMA with companies have already begun. Don’t take your eye off the development of SCHEMA!

If you want to know more about SCHEMA, please contact them from the link below!

