Plug and Play KYOTO Hardtech & Health Program

Batch 1 Selected Startups Introduction

Harunori Oiwa (Haru)
Plug and Play Japan Blog
21 min readMay 21, 2020


Hello everyone! This is Haru at Plug and Play Japan in charge of the KYOTO Hardtech & Health program.

Thank you so much for dropping in my medium. We Plug and Play has 30+ locations globally and is both running acceleration programs and investing in early-stage startups.

In Japan, we launched Tokyo (2017) and the Kyoto office (2019). Then, Kyoto started its first acceleration program in Dec 2019 — Batch 1-.

KYOTO Batch 1 EXPO, which was once postponed due to COVID-19, was held online on May 26th with 1,270 attendees.

If you are interested in BizDev with Japanese large corporations, you are the right fit because currently, we have 38 Japanese corporate partners and provide them with opportunities for collaboration to startups.

Today, I would like to introduce 15 startups selected for KYOTO Batch 1 acceleration program. 10 startups are Japanese domestic, and 5 are overseas.

Startup List

  1. ad-dice Co., Ltd.: Autonomous AI to objectify knowledge and experience that cannot be expressed in words by medical and industrial experts
  2. MOLCURE Inc.: Next-generation drug discovery technology that integrates AI and biotechnology
  3. ENISHIA Inc.: Development and sales of medical record summary support software
  4. Atomis Inc.: Gas control at the nano-level using proprietary technology, creating new value
  5. T-ICU Co., Ltd.: Tele-intensive care support service using ICT
  6. HoloAsh, Inc.: Development of a voice AI friend to help relieve daily stress and anxiety
  7. ELXR®: Development of fitness app using DNA test
  8. Yukashikado Inc.: Urine nutritional testing and provision of personalized supplements
  9. GATTACO Inc.: Rapid plasma sample preparation kit using blood from fingertips
  10. HACARUS INC.: Development of AI technology using sparse modeling
  11. Sleep Shepherd, LLC: Wearable device development for better sleep
  12. RedEye Biomedical Inc: An early diagnosis of diseases by a hemoglobin detection device
  13. iCorNet: Treatment of severe heart failure with a heart support net
  14. Photo Soni Tech: Development of a diagnostic method for diseases using photo-ultrasonic imaging
  15. Sqrie: Development of disposable dentures

1. ad-dice Co., Ltd.: Autonomous AI to objectify knowledge and experience that cannot be expressed in words by medical and industrial experts

Location: Tokyo, Japan
Founded: 2005
CEO: Mr. Daisuke Ito
Keywords: #AI #Digital Transformation #DeepLearning #COVID-19

They will use Deep Learning to automate the labor-intensive inspection and diagnostic processes that remain at rural sites.

This technology can be applied not only in manufacturing but also in the “medical industry”. For example, the diagnosis of cancer (its type and stage determination) requires pathological examination using a microscope in many cases and takes several days to two weeks to determine. Pathology requires the knowledge and skills of a pathologist, and not all doctors are able to do so. Since many hospitals do not have a pathologist, the cancer diagnosis can take a long time.

However, with ad-dice technology, it is possible to objectify hunches and experiences that are difficult for experts to verbalize. Cancer cells are originally normal cells that have undergone a multi-step genetic mutation and become cancerous, so the experience is required to identify the borderline between normal and cancerous cells.

They are currently conducting joint research with several hospitals, including the Hiroshima Prefectural Hospital, where CEO Ito is from, and the service is being introduced by major companies in the enterprise market.

Using AI to determine the area where cancer cells have spread in metastatic cancer (Provided by ad-dice)

In addition, he is currently working on the “COVID-19-ResQ Project”, which will analyze real-world big data obtained through medical practice to rapidly expand medical care and research on new coronavirus infections.

In order to make the most of limited medical facilities, we use AI to indicate the severity and speed of disease severity to support triage, which switches treatment according to the severity of the patient’s symptoms and support non-contact treatment with telemedicine.

Real-time estimating severity query -*ResQ- with AI analysis of risk factors to support triage” (Provided by ad-dice)

If you are an administrator, health care professional, or researcher preparing for the second wave of COVID-19, please contact ad-dice.

2. MOLCURE Inc.: Next-generation drug discovery technology that integrates AI and biotechnology

Location: Tokyo, Japan
Funded: 2013
CEO: Mr. Ryu Ogawa
Keywords: #AI #Biotechnology #Robotics #Molecular Design #Drug Discovery

Drug development is costly and time-consuming. The probability of a drug candidate compound reaching the market is said to be 1 / 20,000 to 30,000, and its R&D can take 5 to 10 years and cost $1 billion.

MOLCURE aims to make the drug discovery process more efficient and less costly by providing pharmaceutical companies with unique AI technology to support the discovery and design of novel biopharmaceutical molecules that are difficult to discover using conventional research methods.

One specific example is the molecular design of an antibody-drug. Antibodies are substances in the body that react specifically to pathogens when they enter the body and are essential for the body’s so-called immune response.

For example, when you want to pinpoint a cancer cell with a drug, you need a “marker”. There may be an excess of proteins on the surface of cancer cells that are only found in that type of cell. When a drug binds to this cell-specific protein, it is expected to have a high therapeutic effect and reduce side effects.

Here is the use case. In one company, where only one candidate compound was found using conventional methods, MOLCURE’s big data collection and AI analysis enabled the company to discover “14 new candidate compounds”.

They are also developing automation technology for the experiment called “HAIVE”. Development is underway to automate drug discovery experiments, which is a must for any robot lover.

The image of the automated system for drug discovery(Provided by MOLCURE)

3. ENISHIA Inc.: Development and sales of medical record summary support software

Location: Kyoto (Kyoto University Startup)
Funded: 2017
CEO: Mr. Shigeo Kohigashi
Keywords: #Doctors #Digital Health #Electronic Medical Records #Non-Verbal Processing #Cloud

Company’s log (Provided by ENISHIA)

Have you ever waited for a long time at a hospital outpatient clinic? I assume everyone would like doctors to move on to the next patient as soon as finishing to see the previous patient, but the doctors are hard at work making up medical records and checking the next patient’s medical history in the meantime.

Many doctors are working long hours. According to the White Paper on “Measures to Prevent Overworked Deaths”, the No.1 reason for this is to prepare medical certificates, medical records, and other documents.

“SATOMI”, ENISHIA’s medical record summary support software, is expected to reduce the burden on frontline physicians as follows.

1. Improving the efficiency of medical treatment
2. Efficient handover
3. Reducing the burden of document creation, reduce the burden of document creation

While there are competitors that develop voice input software that aims to streamline and standardize medical record entry, they are different from other companies in that they aim to reform the way doctors work by focusing on medical record summaries.

They will introduce prototypes and promote joint research at hospitals, then spread the technology to university and other affiliated hospitals, as well as to other regional medical information collaboration platforms.

4. Atomis Inc.: Gas control at the nano-level using proprietary technology, creating new value

Location: Kyoto (Kyoto University Startup)
Founded: 2015
CEO: Mr. Daisuke Asari
Keyword: #gas #porous coordination polymer (PCP/MOF) #new materials

They aim to create a new infrastructure and supply chain by using a unique technology called “porous coordination polymer — PCP/MOF -”, which was discovered by Prof. Susumu Kitagawa, a researcher at Kyoto University.

Specifically, metal ions and organic ligands can be synthesized in a three-dimensional manner. This technology has made it possible to create and design materials with as many as 10 Peta holes in 1 cubic millimeter and is attracting attention as a new material to replace activated carbon and zeolite. In addition, we are developing a synthesis method that is inexpensive, low environmental impact, and capable of mass synthesis.

Porous Coordination Polymers (PCP/MOF) (Provided by Atomis)

Where can this technology be applied?

It’s the Gas industry. This is because it is an industry that hasn’t had a breakthrough in 100 years, and as IoT becomes more prevalent, high-pressure gas cylinders are very heavy, large in volume, difficult to transport, and have not made much progress in improving the supply chain.

The reality of the high-pressure gas industry (Provided by Atomis)

By using PCP/MOF technology to compress the gas in a high-pressure gas cylinder, it is possible to reduce the weight and volume of the cylinder. The compact, cube-shaped design allows for robot-friendly transportation, and the addition of an IoT module allows for automatic monitoring of GPS, temperature, and remaining gas levels.

Next-generation high-pressure gas cylinder CubiTan®︎ (Provided by Atomis)

Rather than simply selling gas cylinders, they aim to make Gas as a Service — GaaS model — that sells the service of transporting gas.

5. T-ICU Co., Ltd.: Tele-intensive care support service using ICT

Location : Hyogo, Japan
Founded: 2016
CEO: Dr. Tomoyuki Nakanishi
Keyword: #Telemedicine #Emergency #COVID-19

Doctor to Doctor remote support services are available through the use of ICT provided by a team of intensive care physicians.

Intensive care deals with the treatment of patients who are in critical condition. Although there are intensive care specialists in Japan, 70% of Japanese ICUs (intensive care units) do not have a single specialist. This is due to the overwhelming lack of intensive care specialists and their uneven distribution in large cities. For example, there are 237 in Tokyo, while only 4 in Tottori Prefecture, which limits access to medical services.

T-ICU is trying to solve this challenge through the power of telemedicine. It is a business model that provides specialist services in the form of sharing to hospitals that do not have specialist doctors. The service is available 24/ 7.

It is possible to receive a generalist-to-specialist consultation while checking vital signs and radiographs, as shown below, and it is assumed that one doctor can cover about 30 hospitals. In the United States, ICU services began to be introduced 20 years ago, and about 20% of hospitals in the ICU have introduced them.

Example of consultation with an intensivist (Provided by T-ICU)

Example of consultation with an intensivist (Provided by T-ICU)

There are three major advantages of introducing a remote ICU system.

1. Reforming the way doctors & nurses work
Able to focus on specialized areas to reduce working on shift
2. Improving medical safety
An early decision on a course of treatment and access to the right
3. Support for the shortage of medical personnel

Currently, they are working with several university research institutes and hospitals to introduce the service.

If you are interested, please check it out in №48 of Plug and Play Japan’s 100 startups eBook against the new coronavirus which was published recently.

6. HoloAsh, Inc.: Development of a voice AI friend to help relieve daily stress and anxiety

Location: San Francisco, CA (USA)
Founded: 2018
CEO: Mr. Yoshiaki Kishi (Yoshua)
Keyword: #Mental Health #ADHD #AI Friend #COVID-19

One out of every two adults is stressed in the United States. It is embarrassing to tell your friends and family, but even if you want to go to a mental health clinic, it is difficult to go there because it is far away, the appointments are crowded and expensive.

CEO Yoshua lives with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and is developing his AI friend, “Ashley”, with the mission of creating a society where people with “differences” like himself can live more easily.

AI Friend: Ashley (Provided by HoloAsh)

When you open the mobile app and talk to Ashley, she encourages you to vent your daily stresses and anxieties. The conversation engine employs a technique called “Motivational Interviewing”, which has been shown to be effective for anxiety disorders, depression, and ADHD. What you say is turned into text, and natural language processing — NLP — gives you a gentle response from Ashley. Sometimes they will play the music that is appropriate at the time.

It is also available 24/7, with voice analytics to ensure that the response is one that understands the emotions rather than a superficial response, and not a critical one. Since they are operating in the States as their main market.

The impact of COVID-19 will have many people feeling social distance and wanting to be listening to their voices. Even if we can find someone to talk to at Zoom or House Party, it’s hard to find someone who will “listen” to me.

The demand for a friend who can vent their feelings at any time is expected to grow, so I hope that HoloAsh’s solution will help many people who are struggling.

7. ELXR®: Development of fitness app using DNA test

Location: Singapore
Founded: 2018
CEO: Mr. Steffan Fung
Keyword: #Fitness #DNA Test #Mobile App #COVID-19

CEO Steffan has been in the Special Operations Forces Army for 10+ years and is also the Director of International Spartan Races (Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan). He is a serial entrepreneur who has established 4 companies so far and has experience in EXIT. He wants to get the community fit and healthy and live better, so he decided to create a mobile application for sports coaches and casual sportsmen/women.

CEO Steffan Fung (Provided by ELXR)

Can anyone with hard training from Steffan from the military train themselves?

The answer is NO!

Because we are all genetically different, and we quickly become lazy.

An individual training scene by Steffan (Provided by ELXR)

Therefore, ELXR offers an online platform that combines a mobile app with personalized training based on DNA analysis and helps coaches and clients matching. ELXR is the Personalised Cloud Sports Club.

The company’s Image(Provided by ELXR)

The DNA Test Kit(Provided by ELXR)

ELXR App has the following three features.

1. Team function: You can create a social group, post the activities on the App, and recruit members. If you find a fun group, jump into the community. Your motivation may improve and you may approach your goals.

2. Professional Coaches: Choose from one of the registered certified coaches that suits you and book an online lesson.

3. Event Search: Find your favorite sports, workouts, and get rewards.

We are currently collaborating with Singapore Sports Hub, one of the world’s largest sports facilities, to offer 7 Minutes Workout. I think many people are spending more time at home, so enjoy a menu of cardio dance, boot camp, yoga, etc. for 7 minutes a day for a change.

8. Yukashikado Inc.: Urine nutritional testing and provision of personalized supplements

Location: Tokyo, Japan
Founded: 2013
CEO: Mr. Shinya Minobe
Keyword: #Nutritional Testing #Supplements #Urine Analysis #COVID-19

Yukkashikado is a nutrition-focused startup that offers personalized nutrition. We offer the world’s first test kit, nutritional analysis, and supplements that assess for nutritional over- or under-nutrition through urine.

It is said that there are 50 million people in Japan and 20 billion people in the world who are potentially undernourished, and it is difficult for people to understand their own nutritional deficiencies through their senses alone, or to be adequately nourished through diet alone.

Yucashikado, in collaboration with Prof. Fukuwatari of the University of Shiga Prefecture, who has been leading research on vitamins, minerals and other nutrients for the “Dietary Intake Standards for the Japanese People” by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, offers “VitaNote”, a nutrition test using urine analysis technology based on the results of 12 years of research. They have a dedicated inspection center, high-precision analysis using our own analysis algorithms, and we provide our own manufacturing and shipping services.

VitaNote(Provided by Yukashikado)

How to use is to open the box of the test kit, collect urine early in the morning at home, throw it into a mailbox, and the results of the nutritional analysis will be delivered to your PC / smartphone in one week at the earliest. Based on that data, you’ll receive a tailor-made supplement with 10 different vitamins and minerals, a nutritional habit that starts at about 180 yen a packet and is equivalent to a cup of coffee, eliminating the need to buy multiple supplements and take several tablets each time.

Nutritional testing process (Provided by Yukashikado)

They are in talks with a number of companies to form partnerships, and we plan to conduct a demonstration experiment with the Matsumoto Regional Health Industry Promotion Council at the end of March for an early prediction model of the disease.

In addition, the company is offering free nutritional testing kits and supplements for health care providers fighting COVID-19 (application period expires April 17-April 24, 2020).

There are efforts to support medical professionals who are working hard on the front lines.

9. GATTACO Inc.: Rapid plasma sample preparation kit using blood from fingertips

Location: California (United States)
Founded: 2014
CEO: Dr. Michael McNeely
Keyword: #Rapid Diagnosis #Blood Sample #COVID-19

I think everyone has experience in blood tests and blood donations at the hospital. However, it is not the end of collecting blood, but about 90% of blood tests require preparation of blood samples, such as separating components using a centrifuge. Sample preparation time, equipment cost, and retest risk due to poor sample preparation are the bottlenecks of next-generation diagnostic tests.

The image of sample adjustment for a conventional blood test (Provided by GATTACO)

To solve such problems, the rapid plasma sample preparation kitSiPON” was developed. Usually, to extract plasma components (liquid components obtained by removing blood cells such as red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets from blood), blood is collected with a blood collection tube containing an anticoagulant (EDTA, sodium citrate, heparin, etc.), and then centrifuged. Separation processing is required. However, using compact SiPON makes it possible to extract plasma components easily and quickly.

When 75 μL of whole blood is collected from the fingertip, blood flows in the direction of the arrow in the figure below, and 15 μL of plasma component is obtained in about 5 minutes.

SiPON Rapid Plasma Sample Preparation Kit (Provided by GATTACO)

GATTACO is trying to enable new medical services by introducing SiPON in areas such as drug stores, telemedicine, and clinical trials. They have also optimized the Sipon for collecting plasma with a high concentration of antibodies for rapid COVID-19 serological testing. This product is called A-PON™.

(left) Mahmoud Zubaidi/ (middle) Michael McNeely/ (right) Philip Luk Chief Science Officer President/ CEO/ Director of Manufacturing

10. HACARUS INC.: Development of AI technology using sparse modeling

Location: Kyoto, Japan
Founded: 2014
CEO: Kenshin Fujiwara
Keyword: #AI #Diagnostic

The strength of HACARUS is the “sparse modeling technology”. Deep learning is the mainstream for AI, but many companies find it difficult to prepare datasets because they require large datasets for learning. Another problem is that it is difficult to explain because the AI ​​decision-making process becomes a black box.

HACARUS’s original sparse modeling technology can be explained, and it is characterized by power-saving, high-speed operation, and operation with a small data set.

The image of the sparse modeling (Provided by HACARUS)

In addition, Kyoto has many companies in the fields of manufacturing and life sciences. By utilizing the experience and know-how that these companies have accumulated over many years, they are working on original AI development that does not rely on data alone.

With over 50 members and a global nationality, customer support is available in Japanese, English, German, Chinese, and Swedish.

Most recently, in late April they signed a contract with Kyoto University for joint research on an AI system for the prevention and early diagnosis of cervical cancer.

In addition, they are raising Series B funding from Osaka Gas, which is also a partner in the Hardteech & Health program.

11. Sleep Shepherd, LLC: Wearable device development for better sleep

Location: Colorado (United States)
Founded: 2014
CEO: Mr. Michael Larson
Keyword: #Sleep Tech #Wearable Device #Mobile App

Michael earned his Ph.D. at MIT in mechanical engineering and has been a university professor for 25 years. He has founded multiple startups in the medical and consumer health fields.

Michael’s original motivation for starting Sleep Shepherd, LLC was to help his daughter Jessica. Jessica was suffering from a severe sleep disorder at the time and was prescribed a drug called GHB, but the drug made her situation worse.

Jessica says using the Sleep Shepherd technology has improved her sleep and changed her life for the better. Michael now wants to make this drug-free technology solution available to the millions around the globe who need better sleep.

The device is a comfortable headband worn while sleeping. An EEG sensor built into the device monitors the brain and uses that data in a feedback loop to determine the optimal binaural tone frequency to induce and maintain sleep. Binaural tones are audible sounds that not only help the brain to slow its activity rate and achieve deeper sleep, but it also helps to reduce stress and improve cognitive performance.

The image of the technology-based sleep solution. (Provided by Sleep Shepherd)

In addition to the wearable device that activity improves sleep, the company is also developing a mobile app that will be the most advanced consumer sleep tracker while providing sleep score calculations and sleep coaching.

Screenshots of the companion Mobile App (Provided by Sleep Shepherd)

The demand for Sleep Tech is increasing in Japan and overseas, so the company is well-positioned in the marketplace to meet the needs of future trends.

12. RedEye Biomedical Inc: An early diagnosis of diseases by a hemoglobin detection device

Location: Taiwan
Founded: 2017
CEO: Mr. Nelson Yan
Keyword: #Hemoglobin Sensor #Diagnosis #Toilet

The number of cancer deaths in Japan is the second-highest for colorectal cancer, followed by lung cancer, which is extremely high (2018 latest cancer statistics National Cancer Center Cancer Information Service).

Delayed detection is one of the causes of high mortality of colorectal cancer. If cancer does not progress to some extent, symptoms do not appear easily but considered to be that the proportion of people who undergo a detailed examination for colorectal cancer screening or if screening shows abnormalities is not high.

Test methods to detect colorectal cancer include a fecal occult blood test (FOBT) and colonoscopy, but they are not easy to take, costly, and time-consuming, and they may cause embarrassment at the time of the test.

Therefore, it is said that there are cases in which the detection is delayed because the test is not performed at the right time even if there are symptoms.

RedEye Biomedical is developing a sensor device that measures hemoglobin in feces so that colorectal cancer, kidney, and bladder cancer can be detected early at home easily.

Hemoglobin is a type of protein contained in blood, and is mainly composed of iron-containing “heme” and protein “globin”. The red blood is due to the red pigment in heme. In other words, if hemoglobin can be measured with a device, it can be determined whether blood is mixed in the stool.

The image of product use (Provided by RedEye Biomedical)

How to use the device (Provided by RedEye Biomedical)

Product demo video (Provided by RedEye Biomedical)

Regarding how to use the device, after excretion, first, remove the device from the charger which is installed on the wall and attach the filter on the front of the detection zone. After that, turn on the power, click the detection button R, and immerse the front-end probe head into toilet water for about 10 seconds. If the excrement contains blood, a positive mark will be displayed, and if not, a negative mark will be displayed.

When the measurement is complete, detach the consumables into the toilet by pushing the front pole. The filter cap is biodegradable that can be flushed away with excreta.

This device is expected to be used for the early detection and treatment of diseases. They are looking for a partner to expand into Japan.

13. iCorNet: Treatment of severe heart failure with a heart support net

Location : Aichi, Japan
Founded: 2016
CEO: Dr. Toshiaki Akita
Keyword: #Heart Failure #Support Net #Medical Devices

The number of patients with heart failure is increasing worldwide. Regardless of the causative disease, the biggest cause of worsening heart failure is a progressive cardiac enlargement — cardiac remodeling -. This refers to progressive changes in left ventricular enlargement, reduced cardiac contractility, and fibrosis of the myocardium as the stage of heart failure progresses. Suppressing cardiac remodeling can improve prognosis.

By wrapping the heart in a nationally and internationally patented mesh-like support net, iCorNet has been able to reduce left ventricular remodeling and avoid impairments of right ventricular diastolic function, which had previously been in need of improvement.

SupportNet creates a 3D heart model from the patient’s cardiac images (CT/ MRI). Then designs and manufactures it in a tailor-made method that is optimized for each individual patient, thereby shortening surgery time and reducing the burden on the patient. It took about a month from the provision of image data to the completion of the support net.

Provided by iCorNet

They are currently preparing for an investigator-initiated clinical trial, aiming for PMDA approval by 2022, CE Mark acquisition, and FDA certification by 2024.

Cardiac support net treatment with defibrillation function(Provided by iCorNet)

In addition, they are developing a “cardiac support net therapy with defibrillation function” that incorporates conductive fiber electrodes to enable painless defibrillation.

14. Photo Soni Tech: Development of a diagnostic method for diseases using photo-ultrasonic imaging

Location: Kyoto, Japan (Kyoto University Startup)
Foundedt: Before Registration
CEO: Mr. Tomoya Wakamatsu
Keyword: #Optical Ultrasound Imaging #Diagnosis #Non-invasive

Photo Soni Tech is a startup that is trying to apply photo-ultrasonic technology developed by Kyoto University and the Cabinet Office’s ImPACT program to the medical field.

Using “photo-ultrasonic imaging”, it is possible to visualize abnormal angiogenesis and vascular stenosis in cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, arteriosclerosis, and stroke, for example. This is expected to contribute to disease prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment support.

Vascular images of the palm and around the tumor of a mouse bearing human breast cancer(Provided by Photo Soni Tech)

The mechanism is to read and image the ultrasonic waves generated from inside the body by shining a laser-like light on it.

Mechanism of photo-ultrasonic imaging(Provided by Photo Soni Tech)

Conventional optical microscopes and OCTs using only light are difficult to read deep parts of an organism, while visualization techniques using ultrasound are inadequate in terms of resolution. Photo-ultrasonic imaging has the characteristic of mediating between the two. In addition, it is less invasive than X-ray/CT/MRI, less expensive, and does not use a contrast medium.

Depth of reach and resolution of photo-ultrasonic imaging
(Provided by Photo Soni Tech)

The future may not be far off as non-invasive, non-shadowing, high-resolution photo-ultrasound imaging technology permeates the medical field.

15. Sqrie: Development of disposable dentures

Location: Kyoto, Japan (Kyoto University Startup)
Founded: 2018
CEO: Ms. Akika Okamoto
Keyword: #Disposable Dentures #Mouth #3D Printer

Sqrie is a startup born out of the Kyoto University Office of Society Academia Collaboration for Innovation (SACI) and a former member of the dental and oral surgery medical bureau. According to the Ministry of Health of Japan, 89% of late-stage seniors over the age of 75 use some form of denture.

The presence or absence of a denture can also affect the development of other diseases. For example, it has been reported that the risk of developing dementia is up to 1.9 times greater if a person loses a tooth and does not use a denture (Yamamoto et al., Phychosomatic Medicine, 2012).

Sqrie develops “disposable dentures” that are low cost, hygienic, easy to use, and can be quickly adapted to changing oral conditions.

An image of wearing disposable dentures (Provided by Sqrie)

In the conventional method, a dental technician takes a mold, a plaster mold, a model, a prototype wax, implantation, a casting, and a fitting and polishing process, which takes time.

However, by using a 3D printer, they have made it a simple process: intraoral scanning, design, digital fabrication, and fitting.

In addition to disposable dentures, they are also developing digital manometers to measure pressure and mouthpieces to restore swallowing function almost without the need for a caregiver, with the main aim of reducing the risk of aspiration pneumonia mortality and stroke patients. They are also working to make medical care smarter by linking these with their own applications.

The pressure measuring instrument using a digidermannometer (Provided by Sqrie)

The App in development (Provided by Sqrie)

For inquiries regarding BizDev programs with Japanese corporate partners, please contact me as follows.

Plug and Play Ventures, Hardtech & Health in KYOTO, JAPAN
Harunori Oiwa (Haru)

Thank you so much for reading.

