What are Brain-Computer Interfaces and how will they change the world?

Image source and excellent neuro-tech blog: Convergent science network.

For all of time, our brains have been a source of speculation and conjecture. Only recently, in the past century have neurologists and doctors begun to unravel the secrets. Jeff Lichtman, Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Harvard University asks his students at the beginning of the year: “If us knowing all there is to know about the brain is a mile down the road, how far are we now?” The students often give answers like half a mile or a quarter mile. He tells them… about three inches.

But those three inches have afforded us a treasure trove of data and possibilities. One of those possibilities is hooking up our brains to machines: computers. The result is spectacular.

At its core, a brain-computer interface (BCI) works by gathering signals from the brain with the use of a sensor. These signals are recorded, monitored, and analyzed by a computer (commonly outside of the body), which then sends out commands to some external machine. The external machine could be anything from a cursor on a screen to a robotic arm halfway around the world. The machine then completes the task, hopefully in a manner the user — the “brain” — intended. Read further about this definition here.

This is an extremely broad description and it reflects how diverse the BCI field really is. From re-innervating limbs to helping people move again, BCIs are expanding their ability to affect change in an amazing amount of people. For example, one of many areas BCIs are being used is to combat essential tremor. Electrodes are used to stimulate the thalamus in people with these tremors. By doing so, these tremors are significantly reduced and the patients are provided with an unbelievable increase in life satisfaction as a result of this procedure.

For more information about this procedure watch this video from the Wall Street Journal.

Finally, we are at a point in human history at which we are beginning to understand what makes us tick: how our brain communicates with our limbs, organs, and senses. We are at a critical tipping point as brain-computer interfaces continue to point us in the direction of solving ailments that have plagued humanity since antiquity. Will we see paralysis solved by this technology? Will brain-computer interfaces be the final puzzle piece to unlocking the inner workings of our cranium? What is certain is that while achieving those goals, scientists, doctors, and researchers have begun to find amazing applications of brain-computer interfaces across many areas of concern. — Plugged In

The sensors of brain computer interfaces are the most critical part of the entire system. A sensor is some sort of device (wire, detector, camera) that picks up a variety of different signals from the brain, including electrical signals, magnetic changes, or even the chemical changes present when certain areas of your brain receive oxygenated blood. The breadth of the signals, however, is reliant almost entirely on the sensor. To put it into perspective, the best implants can accurately record a couple individual neurons. While larger sensors have the ability to record entire portions of one’s brain, they do so at a significant reduction in clarity. Almost without fail, the many researchers, doctors, and postgrads I spoke with all told me that the advancement of this field falls on, among other things, the improvement of sensor technology. The more neurons accurately picked up, the more data and possibilities to control things.

Currently the available sensors fall into one of three categories.

  1. Noninvasive Sensors (placed externally, e.g. on the head, along the body, etc.)
  2. Semi-Invasive Sensors (implanted in your body, but not directly into your brain)
  3. Invasive Sensors (implanted in the grey matter of the brain)
Herff C and Schultz T (2016) Automatic Speech Recognition from Neural Signals: A Focused Review. Front. Neurosci. 10:429.

It is important to understand the difference between temporal resolution and spatial resolution, as well as what an “ideal” sensor would look like. Temporal resolution is the speed at which a sensor can process changes in the brain. Systems like fMRI and fNIRS (which you will read about more in blog posts to come) take a significantly longer time than an implanted micro array to pick up changes in the brain. Spatial resolution, on the other hand denotes the ‘accuracy’ of the signals picked up. An EEG monitor, has a very poor spatial resolution. The ideal sensor would be located in the lower left hand of the graph, cover the entire brain, and be available out of the lab.

Brain Computer interfaces are changing how researchers and doctors view the brain as well as what how they can heal it. This technology is still in its infancy and the potential applications are astounding. Stay tuned to hear more incredible stories of how these interfaces are changing peoples lives and our perception of the human mind. I hope you enjoyed this post — if you want to connect you can reach me here via email admangan2018@gmail.com or connect with me on social: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Also, you can find my book on Amazon — here is the link to buy it: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07H7RJLYC



Andrew Mangan
Plugged In: How Mind Machine Interfaces Will Transform the World

I love reading books. I also love sharing my insights with you! I recently completed my first book and I am working on my second. Stay tuned and read on!