What is FedEx Home Delivery? A Guide for WooCommerce & Shopify Users — PluginHive

Devesh Rajarshi
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2019

This guide is going to tell you what is FedEx Home Delivery. We will explore the benefits of using this service and how it’s different from FedEx Ground. We will also tell you how to use FedEx Home Delivery with your WooCommerce or Shopify-based stores using WooCommerce FedEx Shipping plugin and Shopify FedEx App respectively.

Residential shipments, however, are different and do not entail under FedEx Ground. They are handled only by FedEx Home Delivery which has a different shipping process altogether. Let’s try to understand this better.

What is FedEx Home Delivery?

The delivery/shipping prices of FedEx Home Delivery tend to be slightly higher than that of a normal Ground shipment. Many factors play an important role in determining shipping prices. For one,

  1. Delivery trucks/vans have to reach near to customers’ home address for the final delivery. Increasing the overall area surcharge, fuel surcharge, tax, handling charge, etc.,
  2. Customers prefer deliveries to be attempted only when they’re free or available at their address. For such deliveries, FedEx has to manage the timings accordingly which takes time, coordination, and resources.

There are various other factors as well. You can read about them here.

Why use FedEx Home Delivery in the first place?

People who use FedEx Ground are more likely to serve customers with the need for higher volumes/heavier items. Moreover, these recipients usually have amenities such as docks, forklifts, and other shipping-related items.

So if you’re someone who would be shipping such items then it’s better you go with FedEx Ground. On the plus side, you’d save more money compared to any other shipping service provided by FedEx.

Residential shipments, on the other hand, are generally lighter, with fewer packages delivered per stop and larger distances between stops. Since the packages are relatively smaller in size, it requires more care and thus, there’s a price bump in the shipping cost.

How costly is the residential shipping compared to commercial shipping?

Let’s take the scenario of FedEx Express and FedEx Ground services.

Currently, FedEx Home Delivery will charge you a residential surcharge of $3.80 per package for every FedEx Home Delivery shipment. So for instance, if the cost of shipping a 3 Lbs item with FedEx Ground is $10.02 then FedEx Home Delivery will charge you $13.82 if the destination was a residential address.

What addresses are considered as Residential by FedEx?

A residential delivery charge will apply to shipments within the U.S. made to a home or private residence. This includes locations where a business is operated from a home. Here are the locations types considered as a residential address.

Continue reading What is FedEx Home Delivery?

Originally published at https://www.pluginhive.com on April 24, 2019.



Devesh Rajarshi

Digital Marketing Executive @PluginHive and WooCommerce Enthusiast.