Plug 0.5.3: Network Selection 🔄🌐

Today we’re introducing Network Selection, completely changing the way you develop with Plug 🧑‍💻

3 min readAug 11, 2022


You thought Plug’s slick and smooth UI was only built for our awesome users? Think again. Plug developers, your time has come 🤝

Today we’re solidifying Plug as an IC developer’s wallet of choice by adding Network Selection capabilities to the Plug web extension, allowing developers to switch off the IC mainnet and onto a local replica.

To begin, network selection capabilities in Plug are limited to adding custom tokens that have been deployed to your local replica.

Download the latest version of Plug (0.5.3) Chrome Web Store, & Firefox Add-on Store, or download from GitHub!

Network Selection at a Glimpse 🔍

Previously, the Plug extension was configured to only fetch balances & information from the IC’s mainnet. Not so developer friendly 🙅‍♀️

When developing locally, you could still approve or deny local calls through Plug’s in-page provider, however, the extension UI failed to reflect any updates made to locally deployed canisters (like that new token you’re planning to launch on Sonic 👀)

Now, you can simply switch off mainnet using the network selector of the Plug mobile extension to add and manage custom tokens that have been deployed to your local replica.

Why only custom tokens on local? 🤔

Plug has automatic Tokens & NFTs surfacing based on DAB registries and activity based on CAP. This means that we can’t do automatic surfacing without deploying DAB & CAP instances locally.

In future updates, we’ll allow full access to Plug locally by letting developers configure & connect to their local instances of DAB & CAP respectively.

How to Add a Custom Network ⚙️

Adding a custom network is simple! Open your Plug wallet and click the Network drop-down. Click ‘Add’ and enter the:

  • Network Name
  • Testnet/Local Host URL
  • Ledger Canister ID (in order to use test ICP locally)

And click ‘Add Network’. And just like that, your local network’s been added! You can manage and delete your added Networks in your wallet settings, under ‘Networks’. 🎉

Bug Squashing 🦟

Also included in this update, we’re squashing a few minor bugs to make your experience even safer. What was on the chopping 🔪 block this week?

We had an external team audit the platform, and in response, we are adding a few extra layers of security for passwords. Your accounts are now even more secure 🔒

What else has been fixed?

✅ Account names can now be longer than 24 characters

✅ No more `Swap WICP for unknown token`, token swap activity now appears accurately

✅ Account emojis now switch when alternating between main and sub-accounts

✅ Contacts address book now displays when sending NFTs

Plug 0.6 & Onwards 🔌

🎉 Get excited 🎉

Support for Ledger hardware wallets, as well as the ability to import accounts into Plug, is coming in the near future 🔮

That’s not all…

We have a grand vision for the future of Plug, but we still need your input! Have features you want to be added to Plug? Hop into our Discord and let our team know!

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Editor for

Plug is an Internet Computer browser crypto wllet & authentication provider.