Plug 0.6.1 – Import via PEM file & Delete Accounts

Bring your DFX identity to Plug with PEM Imports! 🔥

4 min readNov 1, 2022


Sup Plug fam 👋 🔌

Today, we’re here to give Plug native builders a more effortless and united developer experience!

Users can now import (and delete) new identities via PEM files directly in your Plug Wallet (extension only for now). Developers, this means a single home for your DFX and Plug identities.

The addition of PEM file imports continues this Plug arc’s theme of increased support and optionality for identities in Plug. With each update, expect to see new ways to import, secure, or manage your various identities in Plug.

Download Plug V0.6.1 from the Chrome Web Store, Firefox Add-on Store, or get it from GitHub!

Let’s take a look at these fresh new features, and a rundown of the other improvements and bug fixes included!

Importing Identities via PEM Files

DFX developers, your pain and suffering is over.

We’re introducing a new way to create identities in Plug — PEM Files! One identity that you can use throughout your whole development stack 👨‍💻

Step 1: Export your ED key from DFX via PEM file.

Step 2: Navigate to Plug’s Accounts menu.

Step 3: Select import wallet, drop in your PEM file, and let plug work some magic 🪄

Just like that, your DFX identity is ready to be plugged into the Internet Computer 🔌

⚠️ Currently, PEM Imports are not supported on the Firefox version of our Extension. We expect to have this available in our 0.6.2 release ⚠️

The Importance of PEM Imports

PEM imports allow for consistency and ease across developer experiences. Instead of having separate identities across DFX and Plug, devs can now have both accessible within the same wallet. 🔥

This features also means that Plug now supports two forms of identity generation, SECKP256 and ED25519. We continue to generate seed phrases through SECKP256 but now accept imports through PEM files of either of the SECKP256 or ED25519 curves.

Not only does this allow you to have a unified experience across the development and testing of your dApps, but also allows you to connect your DFX account to Apps you couldn’t connect to prior.

Take for example. Previously there was no way to connect a DFX account to the dApp, manual canister calls were your only option. Well, no longer. 💪

Delete Accounts

Go a little crazy importing new identities? Don’t worry, we thought of just that too. To clean up your identity list use the new Delete Accounts feature to remove them!

Hover over the account you want to delete, and like deleting custom tokens from our last update, click the garbage can and confirm.

For this update, you will only be able to delete accounts that have been imported through a PEM file. Your main account generated from your seed phrase, and any sub-accounts derived from your main account, are not removable at this time.

Deleting an account does not mean your balances are lost or that the account is unrecoverable. You can think of this feature as removing a card from your wallet and leaving it on the kitchen counter, rather than cutting it up and throwing it in the trash.

To recover an account, simply reimport your identity through the same PEM file you used originally.

Bug Fixes

Also, in Plug V0.6.1, we did our usual 🐞 squashing to keep bringing you the best Plug we can. Thanks to our auto QA added a few releases back, there’s only one minor bug to squash this week:

  • Added fallback for tokens without images, no longer displays 404 error.

Catch any that slip by our bug zapper? Let the team know in our Discord!

See ya Next Time 👋

That’s all for this release! Stay tuned for V0.6.2 rolling out in the coming weeks.

Here’s lil’ leak of some stuff to get excited for 🤫

  • EXT custom NFTs
  • New Identity import option 👀
  • PEM Imports for FireFox
  • Refactor to prepare for a HIGHLY requested feature 🔐

That’s all we can share for now but, stay tuned, we won’t be gone for long!

See ya in the next update 🔌

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Plug is an Internet Computer browser crypto wllet & authentication provider.