Plug Mobile — iOS | Live on the App Store!📱

We’re rolling out the Plug iOS mobile release for all IC users to view, hold, and transfer their favorite tokens with just one swipe.

3 min readMay 9, 2022


A little over a month after launching the beta version of the iOS mobile app, we are excited to bring you the full release to the App Store! Users can now view, hold, and transfer their favorite tokens directly in-app, while also enjoying core functionalities from our browser extension such as saving and using contacts in an address book or viewing transactions in the activity tab.

Unfortunately, you won’t see the NFT tab anymore due to restrictions imposed by Apple regarding NFT-related transactions. We will explain the reasons below, and continue to push for reintroducing it in the near future.

Get Plug on the App Store 🍏

The Plug mobile version (0.1.1) is already available on the App Store, so all you need to do is access the following link and download the app.

Alternatively, you can simply type “Plug Wallet” in the top search bar of the App Store and click on “Get” to start the download.

What about the Testflight version? Users can easily migrate over by using their Secret Recovery Phrases. We will keep the Plug Testflight version open for anyone wishing to be an early tester of future releases.

⚠️ Attention! ⚠️ Before migrating from the Testflight version to the official release, make sure to back up your Secret Recovery Phrase (SRP). Once you have successfully downloaded the App Store release and open the app, you will be directed to a screen asking for your password.

Features 🔥

We have always added more with every release, but this time we were obligated to underdeliver and leave out all NFT functionalities on mobile. Here is an overview of the features available on the App Store version:

  • ✅Hold, send & view your IC tokens
  • ✅Log in via FaceID & TouchID
  • ✅View transactions in the activity tab
  • ✅Save & use contacts in the address book
  • ❌NFT Functionalities

Apple <> NFT Situation 🚧

Apple has changed its requirements for digital wallet app releases, requiring all NFT-related transactions to be paid via their centralized payment system. There are several wallets and other Crypto apps currently live on the Store that do not meet this requirement, and at the same time, Apple’s rules don’t apply to the current Plug mobile app where you can’t purchase NFTs in any way yet.

Regardless of that, Apple is enforcing a blockade for any app trying to push applications with NFT-related features and their position has been inflexible. We do consider this to be unfair treatment and are in touch with both Apple and other applications blocked by this new policy. In the meantime, we wanted to stay true to the users’ feedback and release the official iOS app.

That is why we opted to exclude the NFT tab from this release altogether, including all functionalities related to holding NFTs inside the iOS app until the issue is resolved. We will continue pushing for a way to reintroduce the in-app NFT tab soon, and meanwhile, we will continue to update the Beta TestFlight.

Wen Android🤖

While the Android rollout will not be as fast as the iOS version, it is already in advanced development and will include all the feedback collected from both iOS releases.

As for our immediate plans, our team aims to add Plug Authentication to the mobile app, fully integrate it with ICNS, and enable wallet access via Ledger. We want Plug to become a truly comprehensive wallet solution for the Internet Computer and beyond!

For any questions and app-related feedback, dive into our Discord. We will be more than happy to hear your thoughts and answer any queries!

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Editor for

Plug is an Internet Computer browser crypto wllet & authentication provider.