Plug V0.3.1 — NFTs now in Plug! Hold, View, and Send IC NFTs in your wallet, starting with ICPunks 😎

Bomb drop 💣 You can now manage NFTs in Plug, preparing for the release of ICPunks 🔥 Learn all about it, as well as the NFT standard we are looking to support!

4 min readAug 27, 2021


Another drop in a week? Better believe it, because V0.3.1 is here with NFT support in Plug. You can now hold, view, and send Internet Computer NFTs through Plug, starting with the upcoming ICPunks, tentatively releasing next week!

Download Plug V0.3.1 from the Chrome Web Store, & Firefox Add-on Store! (It can take a day for this update to appear on the stores due to review times, but if you have it, it will auto-update 😎. Or install it now from GitHub!)

NFTs in Plug, ICPunks, and Discussing Standards 🎨

Support for Internet Computer NFTs was the natural next step after adding support for Custom Tokens in our previous release. Started as a single-asset wallet, now we’re here 😎 :

What NFTs are we supporting initially? ICPunks. It’s the only automatically surfaced and supported NFT, but that will soon change, and more will come in and be added.

We will roll out support for auto-surfacing other NFTs as a community standard is further developed and matured (more on it below!), as well as we continue to develop a registry/list open internet service for Tokens, NFTs, and Dapps, to help improve discoverability (DAB! — Learn more, and make early submissions to these coming soon lists)

Discussing NFT Standards & ICPunk’s First Proposal 🎨

The ecosystem still needs to push and develop a conjoint NFT standard interface, and we are supporting ICPunk’s early proposal as a step in the right direction. Why do we support this standard proposal? (Check it out)

In contrast to other standards on the Internet Computer for NFTs, the direction ICPunks has taken with their NFT standard takes an important leap: the trading and exchange features that would usually be covered by marketplaces (listing for sale, view listed tokens, purchases) are built into the NFT contract/canister itself 🤯

That means no more marketplace-specific assets or walled NFT gardens. All NFTs using this standard are interface/marketplace agnostic and could be listed or traded anywhere. The NFT collection itself is its own marketplace and listing. For us, that is the next necessary leap for NFTs 😎

Again, as we said, it’s early. This standard has to be discussed and has to evolve into a community effort, but we see the current interface implementation as a solid base layer to build upon, and that we will support as a standard going forward.

Managing NFTs in Plug, Starting with ICPunks 🔥

Meet the new NFTs tab in Plug. Here Plug will detect and show you all the NFTs that you own (tied/owned by your wallet’s Principal ID).

As we showed above, once you own some NFTs with your wallet’s Principal ID, they will start appearing on a list view:

Is that it? Not at all 🤩 If you give any of your NFTs a click, you will enter the details view, where you can manage it!

NFT Details & Sending to Another Address 🎨

If you have an NFT, it is as easy as giving it a click inside the NFT tab in Plug to open the details view, where you will see that NFT’s specific attributes, and the collection’s details. Check it out! 👀

You can also view the asset on its marketplace with the Marketplace button if it is available (not the case for ICPunks).

Want to send/transfer that NFT to someone else? As easy as clicking the SEND button, which will pop up the send flow so that you can transfer it to another person’s Principal ID.

That is all it takes! Plug will make the call for you, and transfer the NFT to any Principal ID you point it to.

As the NFT standard is further developed and grows, we will continue surfacing more and more options and features in the UI.

Plug into the Internet Computer 🔌

Double update in a week! Are you hyped up for NFTs in Plug and getting your ICPunk? 🤠 Don’t miss a beat, because they are going live soon (ETA next week!).

So, make sure you visit the site, sign up for it with Plug, and get V0.3.1 installed and ready to see your punk in Plug next Wednesday 🔥

The floodgates are open. New NFTs, tokens, and features are coming to Plug! So stay tuned, and visit us on Discord to chill with the team and chat.




Plug is an Internet Computer browser crypto wllet & authentication provider.