Plug V0.4.2 — CAP Integration 👑 Surfacing Transfer History for all Assets 🌱 and Faster NFTs

Powerful update incoming! Expanding Plug’s capabilities for showing NFT/Token transaction histories with CAP, and a 10x improvement in speed when loading NFTs!

4 min readNov 17, 2021


Today we have a quick but special update coming to Plug! As of today, Plug is integrating CAP to boost Plug’s capabilities to show users their transaction history for NFTs & Tokens.

This means two things. Plug can now show users the transaction history for any asset that integrates CAP and is supported in Plug! 🎉

But, it can also show you your transfer history for NFTs and Tokens that don’t yet integrate CAP too! Because Plug will help CAP seed the transaction histories of these projects with the transfers that happen in the wallet.

Download Plug V0.4.2 from the Chrome Web Store, & Firefox Add-on Store! (It might take a couple of hours for the new version to appear on the store, but if you have it or install it now it will auto-update😎), or get it from GitHub!

Also in this update: 🚀

  • Blazing fast NFTs loading times ⚡

Plug & CAP Integration 👑

What is CAP? It’s an open internet service (short for Certified Asset Provenance) that solves a major issue on the IC: transaction histories not being a standard for NFTs/Tokens.

Many NFTs and Tokens right now on the IC don’t have built-in transaction histories; which greatly reduces the trust and provenance users get both in the network in general, and in UI/UXs like Plug when they can’t see where did their assets go, and if the transaction/transfers were successful.

With CAP, NFTs & Token developers can integrate to hook up their asset to scalable transaction history and solve just that issue!

Then, the first natural step for Plug was… Integrating to CAP to consume that data and show it to users! Meaning that, if a user holds & uses NFTs/Tokens in Plug that use CAP…

They will see transaction history for them in the Activity tab ✅ 🎊 Whether it is transferring an NFT they had in Plug, or paying with a custom token… They’ll see the history of it.

You might be wondering… That’s only for NFTs & Tokens that integrate CAP? 😟 No.

Plug Transaction History Data Seeding to CAP 🌱

Not only Plug will show the activity/histories of NFTs and Tokens that use CAP ✅ Plug will be seeding the transfer history in CAP for any project that can be held/surfaced in Plug, whether it has already integrated CAP or not 🤯

Meaning that, as long as the transaction happened in Plug, Plug will be able to store it in CAP to show it to its users.

This allows us to do two things:

First, an Improved UX/UI for Plug Users 🌈:

We can ensure that users have the best experience possible in Plug, despite projects that are lacking still on history integrations 🌈 We can show users a cleaner and more complete history of their actions in the Activity tab.

It’s important to note that we will only be able to show users the transfer history of the actions they take with these assets in Plug. Until the NFT/Token integrates CAP and gets the full, and expected traceability (platform-independent) that users expect on blockchains.

But still, no more…. “Where did my NFT go?”

Secondly, it Helps Seed CAP With Early Histories 🌱:

The second thing is a more important role Plug will play for transaction histories in CAP. It will help kickstart early & partial transaction histories in CAP for projects that haven’t integrated yet (partial because it only contains activity that happened within Plug!) 🔌

How? As we said, the transaction for any asset (NFT/Token) that happens with Plug will be seeded to CAP’s early histories for these assets. That way, when the NFT/Token team manages to integrate it will have some partial records already and be able to surface more data in the long run. Plus, it helps retain some provenance and transparency for the ecosystem.

We still believe it’s important projects integrate CAP & transaction histories fully. Partial histories that are platform-specific are not enough, and are not the blockchain standard users expect 💪

Faster Loading Times for NFTs in Plug ⚡

We also did a 10x user improvement in this update that everyone will love. When you open the NFT tab in Plug and Plug checks for your owned NFTs in DAB, it took a little while to load.

Well… not anymore! 😎

Loading times on the NFTs tab are now blazing fast, thanks to an added cache layer that helps improve the first load’s speed when querying DAB; and then any subsequent load will be instant as well.

Plug into the Internet Computer 🔌

That’s a wrap! As we said, a simple but very important update in terms of provenance and traceability for assets on the Internet Computer.

If you’d like to give feedback, ask questions regarding this update, or give us an idea for a feature… Hop on our Discord, or drop a tweet at us!



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Plug is an Internet Computer browser crypto wllet & authentication provider.