Plug’s Mobile App | The Beta for iOS is LIVE Today 🔥🍎🔥

This is not a drill, it’s real! Plug for iOS is landing on your iPhones🔌 We submitted Plug to the App Store today, and the Beta on TestFlight is available early for 10,000 users!

5 min readApr 1, 2022


It’s finally the day. After a lot of hard work by the Plug team, and with a lot of cross-team support from the Internet Computer ecosystem, Plug is landing on mobile with the first release of its iOS app!

As of today, you can try out the beta version of the iOS app via our iOS TestFlight program, there’s room for 10,000 testers that can sign up via the link below. Welcome, mobile users, to the Plug world 👋👋👋

Join & download the iOS Beta 🔌

  1. Get an iPhone with IOS 15 or higher.
  2. Install Apple’s Testflight app on your device
  3. Open this link from your phone to join the Beta & install Plug for iOS!
  4. Want a quick getting-started guide? Read this.

Couldn’t join one of the 10,000 Beta spots? Don’t worry! The app is already being reviewed by the App Store and will soon make an official release on the App Store itself, open to anyone! Once the app is approved (the review process can take a bit!) on the store, we’ll end welcome everyone to the app via the App Store! 😉

We’ve been waiting for this milestone, and we’re pumped to see Plug in mobile! It’s exciting to welcome a ton of mobile-only folks into the IC (and soon its dApps) via Plug’s mobile app!

What’s in the app? What isn’t? When Android? How does it look? What is supported? Let’s dive right into Plug’s opening mobile app.

iOS (V0.1) — Core Token, NFT, & Wallet Features 💰

A little sneak peek of our store listing images!
A little sneak peek of our store images!

This initial version of the Plug mobile application for iOS brings the core asset (token and NFT) management features of the extension. You can hold, send, and view your Internet Computer NFTs and Tokens directly from the application.

Plug (iOS) is available for: any device with iOS 15 or higher✨

Essentially, v0.1.0 has all of the awesome features that you’ve come to know and love from our desktop extension, with a couple exceptions that will come in V0.2.0! For example, the ability to connect to applications… but we’re working on it already! 🤫

Features Included in this Release✅

  • Holding & sending ICP, XTC, WICP
  • Holding & sending NFTs (any listed in DAB)
  • Saving and using contacts in an address book
  • Viewing transactions in the activity tab
  • FaceID/TouchID integration

Features Not Included (But Coming Next!) ⌛

These are some of the features not in the initial V0.1 but coming in V0.2.0! These are things currently in the Plug extension that you’ll miss (for a short while!) on the iOS V0.1.0.

  • Adding custom tokens
  • Connecting to apps from the mobile extension
  • Viewing your transactions in the CAP Explorer
  • ICNS support (.icp name resolving)

As always, we want to set a solid foundation, test, and then move towards app-Plug interactions (same as we did with the extension!) with a battle-tested application. But don’t worry, we’re already working on V0.2.0 😎

You can find the GitHub repository for the Plug Mobile App here:

The source code for the iOS app can be found there, and we will also soon open-source the controller code in a separate repository after polished. Both codebases are being continuously audited following our steps in the extension.

Our Roadmap for Plug’s Mobile App 🔮

Out of all the features we mentioned above (and more to come!) there are two main big things on our roadmap for Plug’s mobile app 👀

Adding the dApp / Plug connection feature on mobile so users can log into dApps on the IC from their phones… and build the Android application. A happy road(map) indeed, ain’t it?

Mobile Authentication — Connecting to dApps🔌

Currently, the Internet Computer ecosystem is at an impasse where you have an amazing engine to create fully decentralized mobile applications, but no good way to interact with them.

Coming soon on Plug mobile’s roadmap is our answer to this issue, Plug Authentication is coming to the mobile app! You’ll be able to…

  1. Visit mobile IC dApps on the IC on your phone’s browser.
  2. Log into that dApp using the Plug mobile app
  3. Approve/reject app-triggered actions & transactions via the app!

While this will also work with desktop applications, the real value add is that mobile dApps and sites will be able to auth IC users through Plug 🔥 There’s a gigantic set of mobile-only users out there on the IC, and in the crypto world, and we can’t wait to onboard them all into the IC’s coolest dApps. Making swaps in Sonic or buying NFTs from your phone here we come!

Plug Mobile — Android App 👾

It wouldn’t be “mobile” without Android, right? We haven’t forgotten about you Android folk! iOS is the beginning for Plug’s Mobile app, but Android is already in advanced development, so hold on for a little longer.

We’ll be taking all the feedback that we get from the Plug iOS beta and rolling the updates to the first version of our Android application as well. We wanted to kick things off with iOS and make our way to Android with experience & feedback.

How does the saying go… Good things come to those who wait? 😉

That’s A Wrap ✨ Go get Started on iOS!

Go try it out! We can’t wait to hear what you think, and we actually prepped a Getting Started guide for new mobile users, with some tips & tricks that are mobile-only.

Plug’s hitting another milestone today! Mobile has been in the works for quite some time now and we hope you love it as much as we do. We’ll have more updates for you shortly (I'm looking at you Android users 👀).

Please be mindful that this is Plug Mobile’s first release, if you find any bugs or have any feature requests, hop into our Discord and let us know. See you there 👋




Plug is an Internet Computer browser crypto wllet & authentication provider.