NEW FEATURE ALERT: Big 6 beware, hassle free switching is here

Daniella Camilleri
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2017

There’s a chill in the air but don’t worry, Plum has got your back.

This time of year all anyone can talk about is energy bills [insert winter is coming GOT reference here]. We all know switching energy providers will probably save us a lot of money, about £300 on average according to Ofgem.

The thing no-one seems to be doing much about, is the fact that we still don’t switch. With all the articles and experts out there telling us to switch and save, still we put it off. The simple fact is if you haven’t switched in the last 12 months you are overpaying and the big 6 are relying on you to not bother changing to keep raking it in.

But you knew that right?

Plus the cap will fix all this won’t it?

Wrong. The cap will save some people £50-£100 and is unlikely to improve anything in reality as Richard Neudegg, head of Regulation at points out. The underlying cause of this issue identified by Which? managing director of home products and services Alex Neill, being the lack of competition in the energy market. The result is minimal changes coming in way too late, ignoring some of the most vulnerable and maybe even making things more expensive in the long run.

We can’t accept that. What we need is to put the power back in the hands of the consumer and smart tech to make it easy, and Plum has it.

We have launched a feature to allow people to switch in a matter of minutes (3 to be exact). Users who are identified as likely to be overcharged on bills will be sent a message to let them know. If you opt in, in just 6 clicks you will be switched to our green energy provider Octopus Energy. If you don’t opt in, nothing happens, we will never share your personal data with Octopus Energy or any third party without your permission. You won’t be getting any unexpected calls, we are always careful to protect your privacy above all else.

Octopus Energy share our vision of making thing simple for their customers and have a 5 star customer service rating. There are no exit fees and there are even referral bonuses of £15. They are backed by the Energy Switch Guarantee as one of the first signatories and have totally transparent tariffs. Switching will require no engineer or installer visits and there will be no disruption to your supply. You don’t have to remember to check your energy tariff or compare providers. No need to ‘find the time to shop around’ as May stated or be lulled into a false sense of security by an ineffectual cap. Simple, quick and fair.

We are currently sending this out in batches to cope with demand, so don’t worry if your message hasn’t arrived yet, it will be on its way in the next 4 weeks. If you still didn’t get a message but think you are eligible ask to ‘chat to a human’ and let them know. We will take it from there.



Daniella Camilleri
Writer for

Community and Product Marketing Lead @withplum I like colour, carbs, puppies, and encouraging women to close the investment gap.