5 Micro Stories of When They Realized It Was Love

Andrew Beso
Pluma Manila
Published in
3 min readNov 19, 2020


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

It’s that smile after your laughter trails off! God damn it! It’s always that smile! The way your nose crinkle and how you bite your lower lip — not to seduce or anything — but you were trying your best to hold it in. And my jokes make you fail!

I’d do anything to see that.

“Knock, knock!”


Photo by Max Titov on Unsplash

You forced me to dance, pushed me in the middle of the dance floor. I resisted and told you I have two left feet. You didn’t care. You challenged me for a dance-off and oh my god you are way worse than me!

And so there we were, two awkward dancers at the center of everyone’s attention.

And for the first time ever, I didn’t care.


Photo by Greg Raines on Unsplash

Just when I thought I already did the wittiest response, you clapped back with something so smart and funny, I lost it. I kept on laughing and I had no time to reply.

You won the debate…and something else that lazy afternoon.


Photo by Sidral Mundet on Unsplash

I was singing mindlessly one time and you continued the song and jammed along with me.

I gave you that perplexed look but kept on going. You didn’t falter and even raised your voice.

Ah I see, so now it’s a duet.


Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

In our office meeting, you suggested something for the project. No one took you seriously. I supported your input and backed you up…but to no avail. Come on, give the new hire a break, right?

I glanced at you and mouthed “I tried.”

You gave a gentle nod and cute smile.

THAT did something in me. Hmm…looks like I will try again. :)

Andrew Beso is a Manila-based content creator who is exploring different ways of sharing art — whether it be written, spoken, and visualized. His work, aside from being in Medium, can also be seen on Youtube, Instagram, and Tiktok. All his creative expressions use varying styles, lenses, and mediums of storytelling.

This article is published by Pluma Manila, a Creative Platform for Everything Filipino. If you’re Filipino or Pinoy at heart, Be part of our team and share your craft with us. Maraming Salamat!

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Andrew Beso
Pluma Manila

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