How to Publish with Pluma Manila

Start your writing journey with us!

Maria Angela M. Matabang
Pluma Manila
5 min readAug 1, 2020


Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash

Welcome Creative Filipino Writers!

Thank you for joining our new publication.

We know how important it is to speak our hearts out and let our voices be heard, and we at Pluma Manila want to amplify that.

Thank you for choosing this publication as a home for your craft!

Perhaps you’ve noticed that from time to time you’ll see Filipino writers on the platform. But when you look it up, there’s minimal publication who caters to our work, especially the ones in vernacular. Hence, not gaining traction and losing interest in sharing their work on the platform.

It’s the main reason why we have created this home.

This publication is for writers to showcase anything and everything Filipino to the world.

We want to create a community that provides support & encouragement to all creative Filipino writers; whether you express in Tagalog, any Filipino dialect, or English medium. You just have to fulfill our main requirement: be at least a Filipino by blood or by heart. It also doesn’t matter if you reside in our homeland or not. As long as you’re a writer that identifies as kababayan we’d like to support you!

What topic do we publish?

You can contribute any topic about Who, What, When or Where in the Philippines. Topics could extend about you as a writer, your life experiences, and observations.

We accept topics in these literary form:

  • Poem/Haiku
  • Short story
  • Essay/ Prose
  • Nonfiction or Fiction

In respect to our language, please refrain from using Taglish. You can submit articles in pure Filipino, English, or dialect you chose. Borrowed words are acceptable. But as much as possible we don’t want to skew the language. Whilst writing, please observe Medium guidelines. Particularly, copyright & trademark infringement and proper decorum.

We’re also glad to help independent bloggers syndicate or republish their work to help traffic on their site. Though, third-party advertising and sponsorships are not allowed. To ensure you avoid grammatical errors, we encourage you to use proofreading tools such as Grammarly, ProWritingAid, or Hemingway app.

For the benefit of everyone, here’s the step-by-step guide on how you can submit your article.

How to Submit your article

1. Create a Medium Profile

Please be sure you have a Medium account first. In doing that, we can easily add you to the team and be credited for your hard work. Check the link below on how to sign up. If you’re already part of the team, go to the next step.

2. Create your article and Submit

Once you have created your article. We encourage you to add a photo after the title. Please feel free to use the copyright-free Unsplash photos. If you’ll use other photos, please make sure it’s copyright free and credit the source.

Just click on the cross sign to choose what type of media you want to add.

You will see a selection that looks like the photo above. The first icon is for photos you have saved on your device.

The second icon is for the Unsplash photo, type the keyword for the photo and viola! You already have an article photo.

The third button is for adding videos. While the fourth icon is if you want to embed a link and the last option is an auto-icon for paragraph segregation.

Now that your article is all set before you hit publish click the ellipsis before the publish button

Then on the drop-down, you’ll see add to publication click on that.

Then, choose the radio button for Pluma Manila, click on add draft and hit publish.

Once you see this sign — Draft in Pluma Manila on the top page, your work is already submitted to us and we will review that within 24 hours.

For you to submit your work, we need to add you as a writer first. So please let us know through our social media accounts or email us at


Please give us 24 to 48 hours to review your work. For any recommendations and edits, we usually send a personal message to the author. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for questions or clarifications.

Maraming Salamat!

