Andrew Beso
Pluma Manila
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2022



Leni is not the next Cory
There are those who romanticize it
But the saying “History repeats itself” is quite inaccurate
…If it’s just in this context

That if the widowed Aquino won the fight
Against the Marcos regime

Then maybe 36 years later, the PINK Mrs. Robredo
Can achieve the same thing

But let’s rethink
Of what it actually means
To draw parallels from past events
To present moments

Because if we lay down all the elements
They’re not all similar nor consistent

NOW, there was no assassination
Recently, there’s no walkout on a rigged snap election
We don’t even come close to two decades of autocratic oppression

So maybe we need to make sure these preconditions
Won't happen again, no more escalation

But still no, Leni is not just another Cory

But maybe
Could it be a mere coincidence
That these two leaders are both ladies
Because Cory was the face of a first for women in the past century
While “the future is female” — that’s the trend for Leni
But it’s reductive to brand their identities with just their gender when they have so much more to offer
All the more it’s unfair to make all of this just about names to remember
It’s all about the movement they are a part of, rather
A movement with so much meaning and power

So anyone who’s still stuck with the narrative
That this is STILL just a fight between two families, the Aquinos and the Marcoses
Is either asleep back in their history classes
Or maybe it’s their desperate move to stand out, win votes by dividing the masses

Because when we say history repeats itself
It’s when the same force of evil is again being felt
And the devil may come in different forms, disGUISED under a cloak of LIES
But we know its name, its face, its blood-red eyes

Because when we say history repeats itself
It’s when GOOD rises again to fight the darkness we’ve dealt
We cling on to the hope of what we have previously done
A beaming light possessed by all of us, not just by one

So this light can be yellow, it can be pink, it can be white
What will happen again is this ray of hope will shine bright
At the end of the day once we stand together side by side
THIS is the true and genuine unity…because AGAIN the power of the people will decide



Andrew Beso
Pluma Manila

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