Leveraging Git and GitHub for Data Engineering Projects

A Comprehensive Guide with a Scenario

Mohsin Mukhtiar
Plumbers Of Data Science
4 min readSep 20, 2023


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Data engineering projects often involve managing large datasets, complex ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes, and collaboration among multiple team members. In such an environment, effective version control is essential to ensure data integrity, track changes, and facilitate collaboration. Git, a distributed version control system, has gained popularity in the data engineering community due to its versatility, robustness, and ease of use. In this article, we will explore how data engineers can leverage Git and GitHub for their projects through a scenario.

Case Scenario: Building a Customer Analytics Pipeline

Let’s consider a data engineering project where you are tasked with building a customer analytics pipeline. The goal is to process customer data, perform various transformations, and generate valuable insights. This project involves multiple components, including data extraction, data transformation, and data loading.

Initializing the Git Repository

To start, create a new Git repository for your project on GitHub. Let’s call it “customer-analytics-pipeline.” Once the repository is created, clone it to your local machine using the following command:

git clone https://github.com/your-username/customer-analytics-pipeline.git

This command initializes a local copy of the repository on your machine.

Data Extraction Script

You begin the project by creating a Python script for data extraction. The script fetches customer data from a database and stores it in a CSV file. Here’s an example code snippet for the extraction script:

import pandas as pd
import sqlite3

# Connect to the database
conn = sqlite3.connect('customer_data.db')
# Extract data
query = "SELECT * FROM customers"
data = pd.read_sql(query, conn)
# Save data to CSV
data.to_csv('customer_data.csv', index=False)
# Close the database connection

Git Workflow

Now that you have your initial script, it’s time to leverage Git for version control.

  1. Adding and Committing Changes: After creating the extraction script, you stage and commit it to your Git repository:
git add extraction_script.py
git commit -m "Added data extraction script"

2. Branching for New Features: Suppose you’re asked to add a data transformation step to the pipeline. You create a new branch for this feature:

git checkout -b data-transformation

You then write the data transformation script and commit it to this branch:

git add transformation_script.py git commit -m 
"Added data transformation script"

To share this branch on GitHub:

git push origin data-transformation

3. Merging Changes: Once the feature is tested and approved, you merge it back into the main branch:

git checkout main 
git merge data-transformation

To share the merged changes:

git push origin main

Collaborative Work on GitHub

GitHub enhances collaboration by enabling multiple team members to work on the project simultaneously. Here’s how it works:

  1. Collaborators: Invite your team members as collaborators on the GitHub repository. This allows them to clone, push, and pull changes.
  2. Pull Requests: When a team member completes a feature or bug fix, they create a pull request on GitHub. You can review the changes, leave comments, and discuss improvements before merging.

Data Transformation Script

Below is an example of a Python script for data transformation. This script takes the extracted customer data, cleans it, and calculates various metrics:

import pandas as pd

# Load the extracted data
data = pd.read_csv('customer_data.csv')
# Data cleaning and transformation
# (Add your transformation logic here)
# Calculate metrics
# (Add your metric calculations here)
# Save the transformed data
data.to_csv('transformed_customer_data.csv', index=False)

Use of .gitignore

To keep your repository clean and exclude unnecessary files, create a .gitignore file with patterns for files or directories that should not be tracked by Git. For example:

## Ignore data files

# Ignore virtual environment files

Document Changes

It’s crucial to provide descriptive commit messages that explain why a change was made and what it accomplishes. Here’s an example commit message:

git commit -m "Added data transformation script for calculating customer metrics"


Git and GitHub are powerful tools for data engineers working on complex data engineering projects. By following best practices and integrating Git and GitHub into your data engineering workflow, you can streamline development, improve collaboration, and ensure the integrity of your data pipelines. This article illustrated a scenario of building a customer analytics pipeline while utilizing Git and GitHub to manage code, collaborate with team members, and ensure data quality. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced data engineer, mastering these tools is a valuable skill that will benefit your projects and your team, ultimately leading to more efficient and successful data engineering endeavors.

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Mohsin Mukhtiar
Plumbers Of Data Science

💼 Microsoft Certified Data Engineer | 🔍 BI Developer | 📊 Power BI/DAX | 📈 Microsoft Fabric for end-to-end analytics | 🛠️ Databricks | 🐍 Python