Scripting PySpark Dataframes

Reproducing and transporting dataframes by generating plain Python scripts

Alexander Volok
Plumbers Of Data Science


Figure 01: Generating a script, Source: by DALL-E

Developing Spark applications means dealing with Spark DataFrames. These objects are in-memory data structures accessible via various APIs but locally scoped. Sometimes we need to use them outside the runtime environment. Scripting a dataframe as the collection of Python commands that fully reproduce this object is a possible and occasionally preferred solution.

The use cases

The most common example is a debugging of a production issue. So, think of a Data Processing framework built around Spark. It runs in a production environment, and you spot that one of the workflows fails. Further checks show that there is a flaw in the processing logic. It is handy to identify those few rows on which the processing crashes, create a dataframe and then transfer it to your development environment.

The transported dataframe might then be used for the following:

  1. Debugging the issue in the development/feature environment
  2. Creating a unit test for preventing such kind of errors
  3. Creating a default sample data when the new development/feature environment must be deployed

Why not just save the…

