How to reassign tickets from the disabled user in SharePoint help desk

Lily Babiy
Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2017

It’s kind of a cliché but nothing is everlasting, so agents in your team may come and go. In Plumsail HelpDesk for Microsoft 365, a customer support system based on the SharePoint platform, we are concerned about maintaining communication with customers. So, here we described best practices for the maintenance of disabled users in issue tracking systems.

The main thing for us is to make sure that all tickets from the disabled users will be reassigned to somebody in the team to keep our support line alive. You can manually assign tickets one by one from a disabled user to another but what for if you can automate the process?

Here are three simple steps you need to make when the agent leaves your team:

  1. Disable user’s account in Office 365.

2. With the help of Microsoft Flow you can sync SharePoint user profiles to HelpDesk contacts list. After the synchronization user’s status field will be updated in HelpDesk.

3. The easiest part — handle tickets. To automate this process, you can use Scheduler for reassigning tickets from the disabled user. Just create a simple task in Scheduler and it will check the user’s status and assign tickets to other agents on a daily basis.

