Rich web forms auto-generated from document template tokens

A new feature in Plumsail Documents

Angelika Cherina
3 min readNov 24, 2020


The Plumsail Documents team is happy to present new features available in our document generation tool Processes.

What’s new?

Now Plumsail processes pull tokens from your document template and automatically create a rich web form based on them.

Rich web form created from document template

How it affects the document creation experience?

Test document template from an auto-generated web form

Now to test the document and to see how the resulting file will look, you can just fill in the auto-generated web form.

As you see in the above picture, tokens from the document template are placeholders in the testing form fields. You just fill the fields and click on the Create Document button. The resulting document will open in a new tab.

Change token types to adjust the auto-generated web form

You can adjust the testing web form by changing token types. For that, click on {} Tokens :

By default, all one-part tokens have a string attribution. All nesting tokens (with a dot operator) are set to be a collection.

Strings appear as text fields, collections — as data tables.

The most obvious example of how to adjust and improve the testing web form is to change the Date token type — from string to date. After that, you’ll get a date picker in this field.

Please, find more information about token types and how they affect the testing form in our documentation.

Start document generation process from the default web form

Another place where auto-generated web forms could come in handy is the Start process step. You can launch your document generation process from the auto-generated web form. It’s available on the Start process step:

Additionally, you can use the default form as a base for a more complex web form. Click on the Customize icon to get redirected to the Plumsail Forms web designer with a handy drag-and-drop interface:

Plumsail Forms web designer

We hope you’ll like the new features. If you haven’t tried Plumsail Documents yet, you can get a free version.

