Web3 insurance use cases: Microinsurance for the Unbanked

Plural Finance
Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2023


In today’s digital age, financial services have become more accessible, revolutionizing the way we transact and manage risks. However, a significant portion of the global population, known as “the unbanked”, remains excluded from mainstream financial services, including insurance.

Microinsurance has emerged as a potential solution, aiming to provide low-cost coverage to vulnerable communities. Now, with the advent of Web3 insurance, an innovative decentralized insurance model, the potential to transform microinsurance for the unbanked has never been greater.

In order to understand how Web3 can change this landscape, we first need to understand microinsurance:

Microinsurance refers to insurance products specifically designed for low-income individuals and communities with limited access to traditional financial services. It addresses the unique risks faced by these individuals, such as health emergencies, crop failure, and natural disasters, by providing affordable and customized coverage.

Microinsurance operates on a smaller scale, offering policies with low premiums and simplified terms and conditions. By pooling risks, micro insurers can spread the costs across a large number of policyholders, making coverage more accessible and affordable. However, despite its potential, microinsurance has faced several challenges in reaching the unbanked due to barriers such as lack of financial infrastructure, high operational costs, and limited awareness.

This is where Web3 insurance comes in.

Web3 insurance, also known as decentralized insurance or smart contract-based insurance, leverages blockchain technology and smart contracts to create a transparent, efficient, and inclusive insurance ecosystem. Unlike traditional insurance models, Web3 insurance eliminates the need for intermediaries, reduces administrative costs, and enhances trust through decentralized consensus mechanisms.

But what are the advantages of Web3 insurance over traditional microinsurance?

  1. Accessibility: Web3 insurance enables the unbanked to participate in insurance markets without the need for a traditional bank account. Individuals can access insurance policies directly through their smartphones or other internet-enabled devices. This accessibility empowers individuals to protect themselves against unforeseen risks and bridge the protection gap.
  2. Lower Costs: Traditional insurance models often involve high administrative costs, which are passed on to policyholders. Web3 insurance eliminates intermediaries, streamlines operations, and automates claims settlement, leading to significant cost savings. These reduced costs make insurance more affordable for the unbanked, who often have limited financial resources.
  3. Trust and Transparency: Blockchain technology, the backbone of Web3 insurance, ensures transparency and trust through its immutable and decentralized nature. Policyholders can view and verify transactions and policy details, eliminating doubts about insurers’ integrity. This increased transparency builds confidence and helps foster financial inclusion among the unbanked.
  4. Customized Coverage: Web3 insurance allows for more granular and customized insurance products. Smart contracts enable the creation of micro-policies tailored to specific needs, such as weather-indexed crop insurance, health coverage for specific ailments, or coverage for short-term employment. This flexibility allows insurers to design products that address the specific risks faced by the unbanked, providing relevant and affordable coverage.
  5. Claims Process Efficiency: Traditional insurance claims processes often involve cumbersome paperwork and lengthy verification procedures, causing delays and increasing costs. Web3 insurance automates the claims settlement process through smart contracts, ensuring quicker and more efficient payouts. This swift response time is crucial for the unbanked, who often have limited financial buffers and rely on insurance coverage in times of crisis.

While Web3 insurance holds immense potential for transforming microinsurance for the unbanked, challenges remain. One of the key obstacles is the digital divide, as the unbanked may lack access to smartphones, stable internet connections, or digital literacy. Addressing these challenges requires collaborative efforts from governments, insurers, and technology providers to ensure adequate infrastructure and digital education.

Additionally, regulatory frameworks need to adapt to accommodate the unique characteristics of Web3 insurance. Policymakers must strike a balance between consumer protection and encouraging innovation, fostering an environment that allows for the growth of decentralized insurance models while safeguarding policyholders’ interests.

Web3 insurance offers a groundbreaking solution to extend microinsurance to the unbanked, empowering vulnerable communities and reducing the protection gap. By leveraging blockchain technology, Web3 insurance provides accessible, cost-effective, and transparent insurance coverage. As the world continues to embrace digital transformation, the integration of Web3 insurance into microinsurance initiatives holds tremendous promise for promoting financial inclusion and ensuring a more resilient future for the unbanked.

