Design Fiction Club / U+ : Call for Project Presentations


For its last edition before summer (June 13, 5pm, at Paris’ Gaîté Lyrique), the Design Fiction Club invites the members of the Plurality University Network (U+) to present their work aimed at renewing the imaginations of the future.

The format: “pecha kucha” — 15 projects are presented in 5 minutes each, no questions asked. After the session, the public is invited to meet the speakers over a beer.

Call for participation

  • Design fiction club. Season 02. Session #05 — PechaKucha of the Plurality University Network
  • What =any project that sets the imagination of the future in motion! Artistic creations, fiction of prospective issues, new forms of co-production or debate about futures, provocations, games, etc.
  • Deadline to apply =May 20, 2019
  • Application form =
  • Selections =May 25, 2019
  • Event =June 13, 2019 @ La Gaîté Lyrique, Paris
  • Event Agenda =18:50–20:50 Pechakucha | 20:50–21:50 Club-meeting

Selection criteria

There are few pre-established criteria. Above all, we are looking for a diversity of speakers, approaches and formats.

For example, the previous Pechakucha, open to the Design Fiction Club community, provided an opportunity to show: an episode of the Bref series, a thesis on agoraphobia, the CNIL’s (France’s data protection authority) foresight lab, fiction theatre, an Arabo-futurist performance, fiction design in a world where water is scarce, a podcast on the art of speculation, a collective of SF authors writing about migrants, a utopian writing workshop, a cyber-witches’ manifesto, an educational program, a card game, and three diploma projects using fictional design to talk about our place among living beings.

However, there are 4 quality criteria for a Design fiction club session:

  • Stimulate critical thinking,
  • Question the dominant narrative,
  • Avoid inbreeding (we take care of inviting a varied audience, and you will be invited to relay this invitation: D)
  • Invite participation (we will deal with interaction with the public through the aperitif meeting phase)

Projects can be submitted in French or English. A small number of projects can be presented via a pre-recorded video.

About the Design fiction club:

The Design fiction club is asserting itself as a “third place” for experimental and participatory research. Our events explore multifaceted research modes, somewhere between the seminar, the workshop, the meet-up, the performance, etc. This session therefore proposes a take-over by the U+ community, where the latter has a free field to present its work and meet each other.

Design Fiction Club is run by the What if? Studio (Max Mollon, Welid Labidi), in residency at Gaîté-Lyrique / LABO program (at the invitation of Marie Lechner and Clémence Seurat).

In residenceat la Gaîté Lyrique
FB event :
FB group : Designfictionclub
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About the Plurality University Network

The Plurality University Network (U+) brings together, on an international scale, those who mobilize imagination to bring out and make possible other futures. U+ promotes exchanges, organizes meetings and collective projects, and facilitates the emergence of research, education, experimentation and transformation projects.
Hosted by la Gaîté Lyrique
FB :PluralityUniversity
Instagram :@plurality_university
Twitter :@PluralityU

