Pluralsight stands with our LGBTQ+ youth

Aaron Skonnard
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2019

Diversity makes our state — and our world — better

Utah has an opportunity to do more when it comes to embracing diversity, including our LGBTQ+ youth. I’m excited to say that things are changing. Expanded awareness of what it means to embrace someone who is different than you, evolving religious narratives and an influx of people from other states have increased the size of the LGBTQ+ community and its allies in Utah. And together, our voices grow more powerful and numerous every year.

Pluralsight understands the role companies can play in supporting our LGBTQ+ community. I feel a strong sense of duty to provide resources to this important group and the organizations that support them.

A community in need

According to a Gallup survey conducted between 2012 and 2014, Salt Lake City has the 7th largest LGBTQ+ population of the top 50 U.S. metropolitan areas. The city’s openness to embracing our LGBTQ+ community stands in stark contrast to Utah’s reputation. We can and need to do more.

LGBTQ+ youth in unaccepting homes and communities are 8 times more likely to die by suicide and 3 times more likely to engage in risky drug use — highlighting how vital it is that we embrace ALL Utahns.

This year, Pluralsight is supporting the Love Loud Foundation, which exists to help local and national LGBTQ+ nonprofits do as much good as possible. Through LOVELOUD, their annual fundraising concert, the foundation has been able to provide vital support to organizations like Equality Utah, the Utah AIDS Foundation and the Human Rights Campaign, all of which are saving lives.

Making Utah more inclusive

As the father of five children, I’m deeply committed to helping Utah become a fully inclusive place that celebrates diversity of all kinds. Resistance to diversity is rooted in fear, and limits how much beauty and value we’re able to see in the world. I believe embracing our differences is essential for creating a more thriving, intelligent society — one that’s driven by compassion and the desire to constantly improve.

That’s the kind of world I want my children to live in. I want them, and everyone, to celebrate what makes human beings different, so we can create happier, healthier societies.

I’m so impressed with the work the Love Loud Foundation is doing, and am proud to support their efforts. Pluralsight’s donation to Love Loud is one part of our broader mission to celebrate diversity and inclusion and create a place where everyone feels they belong. That mission begins in our offices around the world, where we want people to feel comfortable bringing their full selves to work. We’re constantly trying to expand our understanding and practices, so we can make Pluralsight the most inclusive and welcoming workplace possible. We know how much more people and companies can achieve when they embrace a wider range of perspectives.

To the LGBTQ+ community and their allies working hard to make Utah a more inclusive, safe place — thank you. You’re creating a better world for my children and for everyone, and I’m so excited to see what the future looks like in Utah.

