DevOps DC 2021 — In Review

Victoria Guido
Published in
1 min readJan 10, 2022

I am feeling proud and extremely grateful for all my fellow DevOps organizers for putting together some great events last year.

DevOps DC Meetup Logo

In case you missed it, you can catch a lot of it on the DevOps DC youtube!

Also ALL of the talks from DevOpsDays DC are on youtube as well!

Moderating a panel with David Woods, Laura Maguire, PhD and John Allspaw on Resilience Engineering at DevOpsDays DC was a major highlight of the year for me.

I could not have done any of this without all of the supportive energy from our members, organizers, and Pluribus Digital. I feel incredibly privileged to be able to do this work and I’m super excited for what we will be able to accomplish in 2022.

Our January 2022 DevOps DC Meetup will be all about planning for the year ahead. Join us!

