Have You Ever Wonder How Marketing Works

Akshithaa Bantiya
Plus Marketing
Published in
9 min readDec 1, 2020

This article is about how marketing works and how you can implement these changes in your current situation.

you are probably reading this article because you want to know how marketing works ,what are the fundamentals of marketing,how to choose the right niche,CATT marketing funnel and framework, traditional Vs digital marketing ,how to build a strong brand,the power of personal branding ,evolution of personal brand [ MASS TRUST FORMULA ]and last but not the least how you can earn 1 Cr .All these information will help you understand how marketing works .

If you are a student ,freelancer,professional,digital marketer,blogger,entrepreneur and affiliate marketer then this article is for YOU.

So ,let's start the journey of marketing together

here comes a question


when we think about marketing what comes in your mind first

Selling ,Advertising and Promoting products

i know guys everyone thinks this but it isn’t absolutely true

Marketing is combination of plenty of things

These are the things take place while marketing

so ,after knowing how it works we shall see the next most important topic


Marketing is based on science not on creativity ,How ?

Marketing starts before creating the product .it starts with understanding the consumer and that leads to create a product that fits the consumer’s need and satisfy them.

Marketing is not just about selling .it is also about keeping an existing customer happy by communicating with them so that they can remain a customer for life that is MASS TRUST .

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.Maya Angelou





The purpose of marketing is to build a brand and capture a position in the minds of the consumer .advertising,copy writing and sales are the most important components of marketing.

Marketing is the game of perceptions.Product is the rooted in reality .Never let marketing become more important that product .A great product sells itself.

“Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time.” — Elon Musk

for example — 1. APPLE COMPANY , they have a great product but marketing not just help people discover their product and also have a good perception about the product .

2. CADBURY DAIRY MILK COMPANY ,even they have a great product and marketing has helped them to connect with there consumer as well as grow their business .

What has happened in the above examples is when the company is focused on the product more than on marketing ,the consumer gets the best quality of the product because they have focused on the product based on consumer’s need and satisfaction ,through this process they have satisfied the consumer and have build trust .Once the trust has been build then within no time they will become permanent consumer.From here it begins the first time buyer will become repeated customer and then brand ambassador .

“A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories, and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.” — Seth Godin

Here comes the next important thing


This the the most accurate way to find your niche ,your niche must be a combination of talent,passion and market research for that niche .

niche is a industry you want to be a part of that means you have passion about that work as well as that industry ,you even have talent in that field and there is market demand in that industry

example 1 : I have passion in the drawing and designing clothes ,there is the market demand and have talent .so my niche is fashion industry .

example 2 : I have passion in editing ,have the talent and experience in that field plus the is the market demand for it .so my niche is editing or video editing niche .In this niche there are many job opportunity.



NICHE — your success & wealth depends on your niche .if you success in solving problem,satisfying the demand of your consumer in your niche tehn you are definitely going to be successful.

CONTENT — We should create useful and valuable content that attracts people from your niche .As we all know content is king ,your content can be in any form like blog post , video,lead magnet ,live webinars , Instagram post ,reels on Instagram ,etc .Your content must solve the consumer’s problem.

ATTENTION — The consumer will give attention to your content if it resolves their problem.To drive attention ( traffic) to your content through SEO, Social Media ,Paid Ads,Referral .

TRUST — Building trust with your audience is salient.when the trust is build no matter what the consumer will eagerly wait for your content or product.These are the tools through which you can build more trust with trip wires, marketing automation and re targeting .

TRANSACTION — Convert your leads into customer with natural sale’s method .You can use online payment ,paytm,gpay .


“Direct response is a type of marketing designed to elicit an instant response by encouraging prospects to take a specific action” — marketing evolution.com


Integrated digital marketing is all about well structured and well defined marketing plan.It starts from creating content and then marketing it through social media , seo , e-mail marketing ,paid advertising , sell and convert your client .

“Social media requires that business leaders start thinking like small-town shop owners. This means taking the long view and avoiding short-term benchmarks to gauge progress. It means allowing the personality, heart, and soul of the people who run all levels of the business to show.” — Gary Vaynerchuk, CEO, VaynerMedia


To build a personal brand u must have a mind set that don’t be №1 be the only one . Before building a brand u must have a niche. choose a category and become a leader in that category . Deciding where to compete is half way your success.If your niche is broad and you cannot be a leader in your category ,be a leader in a sub — category

example — BMW, VOLVO , Mercedes Benz

there category is car but all three are NO.1.

you must be thinking How?

There are no.1 in their sub category ,that is their features each car have their specialized features.So all three are no.1 in there specialized feature.

Remember that people only remember no. 1 and probably no. 2 but not number three and afterwords, get excellence in what field you are marketing.

Power of personal branding

“Your brand is the gateway to your true work.you know you are here to do something — to create something or help others in some way.The question is ,how can you set up your life and work so that you can do it ? The answer lies in your brand.When you create a compelling brand you attract people who want the promise of your brand “— Which you deliver — Dave Buck

The best known will always beat the best . people want to hear from person not from the brand , that’s YOU.A personal brand can give rise to many brands for influence but it cannot be invested and sold .A personal brand is all about your unique promise of value.It’s all about getting your potential clients choose you as the only solution for there problem.

“Brand storytelling is not about pushing advertising. It’s about bringing value.’’ Gary Vaynerchuk, CEO, VaynerMedia


Learn — Learn a new skill through concepts,facts and procedures . understand the concept remember the facts and practice the procedure .You have to gain an in-depth knowledge of your topic.

Work — Put your new found skills to work .Go from practice to implementation . Implementing it in the real world will give you better understanding.There must be blueprint before you implement what you have learned.

work =Job / Freelancing /Own projects

Blog — To write a blog you must know about these three things .

1.write as you talk

2.Join the conversation ( don’t start one )

3.know her /him and understand well

Write about what you have learned and experience through your work which is a problem for others ,which will solve others problem .when you write ,you understand it better.

Consult- Now that you have a personal brand through your blog , have work experience and learned the fundamentals,start consulting other business instead of working for them .

Mentor — Mentor others who want to become like you . Mentoring will help you scale your understanding to a whole new level.

Start up — Start your own product or service business with the understanding that you have developed about the market ,the problem and your own skills.

But it’s not the end you have to keep re-learning everything and follow this continuous steps, again and again, to be always on number one the cycle ,it a evergreen cycle .

How to make 1 Cr

step 1 : Have a goal .

step 2 : understand the basis of marketing which is discussed above

step 3 : Build a right niche ,right audience and right market .

step 4 : choose right framework CATT and integrated digital marketing frame work

step 5 : Build a personal brand and the evolution of personal brand

So if you are planning to earn 1 Crore in 3–5 yrs through digital marketing, your targeted consumer should be more with low product price or your products should be high in price with fewer consumers to reach you goal. This is how marketing is planned and executed.


So in this article ,we have learnt how marketing function ,how marketing can help your business to grow .we have learnt what are the important of law of marketing and we got a clear picture that marketing is based on science .The importance of Niche select ,CATT formula , integration of digital marketing , building a strong personal brand , evolution of personal brand and how to earn 1 Cr. The Marketing is an evergreen process whether its traditional or digital , Marketing has evolved . marketing starts from 4 p , product , price,place and promotion.the product involve niche selection and creating a product which will solve consumer problem .CATT will help you create content ,grab consumer attention, build trust with consumer ,price the product appropriately and make the transaction easy through online .

Next we should decide which place we should market , channel and distribution. whether traditional or digital marketing .Next is integration of digital marketing which will help you to promote your product through different mediums like content marketing ,seo, social media, email marketing,paid advertising and sell and convert.These are the 4Ps which will help you grow your business .To keep growing you must learn ,work ,blog, consul, mentor and startup .This is how you will evolve your brand . Marketing is an evergreen process.Through this process you can earn 1 cr in 3 to 5 years.

“All your ideas may be solid or even good. But you have to actually EXECUTE on them for them to matter.”Gary Vaynerchuk, CEO, VaynerMedia

Hope this was help full to understand how marketing works and how you can build & grow your business .This article is the assignment of the Digital Deepak Internship program.

Stay tuned !

