How do I increase the conversion rate of Facebook ads?

Jakeson Christopher
Plus Marketing
Published in
6 min readNov 23, 2020

As the largest social platform, the traffic effect brought by Facebook cannot be underestimated. Facebook also provides rich forms of advertising, and the platform’s operational functions are relatively complete. It will optimize and iterate every once in a while. Click ads started in 2014 and will be opened later The most traditional conversion advertisement, and then the DPA advertisement that Facebook launched later, it can be said that the advertisements of several models with strong applicability to cross-border e-commerce have been studied and have achieved good results. Then I will share with you. How to optimize conversion ads.

First of all, we must have a clear goal.
Conversion advertising, as the name suggests, is to increase corporate exposure by placing advertisements on the Facebook platform, thereby generating conversions. The conversion indicators for regular website operations include registration, shopping cart addition, and payment completion. The conversion I am talking about here refers to the entire process of users browsing advertisements and completing order payment on your website as a conversion.

Then our goal is very clear, which is to continuously reduce the CPA cost of a single conversion by optimizing the delivery of advertisements and increase sales to achieve the target ROI of the website.

Here we will also have two key indicators when we launch, one is the traffic brought by the advertisement, and the other is the number of registered users brought by the advertisement. This can also help us to measure the effectiveness of the advertisement, but our main goal is CPA and ROI, all adjustment purposes need to focus on these two indicators.

Next, we need to confirm the target audience for advertising.
Conversion ads are not like click ads and engagement ads. The unit price is relatively cheap. We can allow multiple trial and error. The CPA of conversion ads is often higher, so you need to reach users who are more likely to buy.

If you want to get a better conversion rate, you need to place ads to users who are more relevant and more likely to buy. We can use click ads to drive users to the site to get more users with stronger purchasing intentions.

Facebook ads cost tool — ADCostly provides all the words of interest on Facebook. We can continuously expand the words of interest by searching our roots. Of course, there are also detailed audience numbers. At the same time, the CPC and CPM are displayed when advertising. I also have a direct understanding of advertising costs.

In addition, you may also need some advertising indicator calculators to quickly return to your advertising situation. Two Google plug-ins are recommended as follows:

CPC & CPM & CPA calculator

ROI & Roas calculator

Now we can start to prepare the details of the advertisement.
Facebook ads take regular conversion ads as an example, including slogans, advertising images, and target landing pages.

Slogan: Try to include all the advantages of the target landing page and the corresponding target page
Advertisement image: simply summarize the target page, simply refine all the content of the advertisement, preferably in the form of an activity
Target landing page: best-selling products on the website or products that are more exquisite and beautiful and can attract a lot of traffic
Tips: Here I will tell you an experience. After many trials, the effect has always been relatively satisfactory. That is, advertising is based on preferential activities as much as possible. Users have the habit of taking advantage. We can use various promotional methods to attract users to the website. , And users with strong purchasing intentions are usually old customers of the website. Old customers are generally more sensitive to the operation of the website, which greatly increases the click-through rate of advertisements. The form of activity can be promotional discount, clearance, coupon, etc. unlimited.

After the advertisement content is prepared, we can officially launch the advertisement. This operation is relatively simple. Facebook has a detailed step-by-step process explanation. It can also be used by beginners directly following the Facebook tutorial step by step.

The most important process of advertising optimization is to track advertising effects and adjust advertising strategies in time according to advertising effects.

When to start tracking? My suggestion is to start tracking advertising effectiveness when there is data for the advertisement. Of course, it can be based on personal habits. My habit is to pay attention to the advertising data every time period, so that I have a better judgment on the effect of the entire advertising channel.

I divided the core advertising tracking data into two time periods, one is data tracking when no conversion occurs, and the other is data tracking after conversion.

When there is no conversion:

Click: How many people responded to the ad
CTR: Click through rate, user feedback on ads
Relevance score: The quality score of the ad, the higher the score, the more user groups it will reach
Frequency: The number of times an advertisement is displayed on a user’s news feed is mainly related to the budget of the advertisement, the user group to which the advertisement is placed, and the duration of the advertisement, and of course it is also related to the quality of the advertisement.
Click, CTR, and Relevance Score are three indicators of advertising quality. These factors depend on the quality of the advertising image, the attractiveness of the advertising language, and the correlation between the advertising image and the target page.

After conversion:

The main indicators after conversion are CPA and ROI.

Of course, the data when the conversion is not generated is also applicable to the conversion, and relying on these data can greatly improve the advertising effect.


1. If you don’t know which advertisement is more effective at the beginning of the advertisement, in order to achieve faster results, it is recommended to build several test advertisements under one AD SET, because the advertisements under one set share the same budget, and Facebook will The budget is allocated to better performing ads.

2. Promotional advertisements are effective and cannot always deliver the same content. They must be adjusted in time according to the website’s operational activities. Our website is a vertical segmentation field. The user group itself is not large. When the frequency data of all users is too large, There is a period of exhaustion for users. Of course, users like WeChat Alipay don’t have to think about it and don’t worry about it.

I have always believed that compared to competitors, the best results in Facebook advertising are conversion ads, because conversion ads have the lowest creative requirements among all ads. If the website does not have a large platform as a background, the creativity is far from a very mature company, so a good grasp of conversion advertising will definitely bring about a substantial increase in the performance of the website.

