What is a social aggregator tool?

Anne Griffine
Plus Marketing
Published in
2 min readNov 20, 2020

Social Aggregator Tool helps you to aggregates social media feeds from multiple sources to a unified source.

For example — You’ve purchased a new iPhone, what would you do next? First of all, you’d be damn happy about your new purchase and share the images of the product with your friends and followers.

Later, after using the product for a while, you’ll either be satisfied with the product or unsatisfied. In such a case, you’ll share the experience with others again on the social media platforms. So, any user who is making their mind about making the purchase will be influenced whether to make the purchase or not.

As we do in general, before making a purchase, ask people around us whether to buy the product or not?

Social media has a very useful content called UGC or user-generated content that can also be used as word of mouth online.

This UGC can be used for multiple purposes like increasing social reach, build trust, brand loyalty, user engagement, and conversions.

Discovering, Collecting, and Curating UGC from the web is a very laborious, time-consuming task that may result in outcome to be long-awaited than the calculated time.

In such cases, Social Media aggregator tools come into play to discover, collect, and curate the UGC for business benefits.

There are some simple steps for using social aggregator tools.

First, Aggregate feeds using different methods —

  • Hashtags (#)
  • Handles (@)
  • Tagged
  • Page URL
  • Mentions (@) etc.

After aggregating feeds, curate it to make only valuable contents to be displayed to the viewers.

Then using features like customization and personalization make the content more appealing and attractive for viewers.

Later, using analytics understand the sentiments, the most used words, and many other user behaviors that can help you build a strong connection with your audience.

Social aggregator is a recommended tool for businesses and brands that focuses on social media for marketing purposes.

Social media is a powerful influencing platform where worldwide users share their experiences and reviews after using particular products and services.



Anne Griffine
Plus Marketing

I’m Anne and I’m a digital marketer and technical writer. I’m passionate about exploring and writing about innovation, technology, and digital marketing trends.