Write for + Marketing
Published in
Nov 15, 2020
Share your ideas, researches, news, codes and more about marketing with a broader audience
+ Marketing helps you succeed at marketing your work or products. But in order to do that, we need great marketers to share their process. Marketers like you.
What we’re looking for:
- Fundamentals & How-To’s
- Digital Marketing
- Social Media Marketing
- Growth Hacking/Marketing
- Data Driven Marketing
- Case studies.
- Data and Codes for Better Marketing Practices.
- Scripts & Templates.
- Emerging opportunities.
- Campaign ideas.
- Tools.
- High-level strategies.
- And More.
What you should do before you submit:
- Make sure your Medium account is under your own name, has a short bio, and a picture of you.
- Please remove all personal calls to action in your post such as “sign up for my newsletter,” “follow me on Twitter,” or “buy this product.”
- If your post is heavy on emojis and GIFs, please cut them down to a minimum.
- Please add a nice cover image. You can download it from https://unsplash.com/ or https://www.pexels.com/ as free.
- If you quote a lot of studies or talk in-depth about certain resources, please include a Resources section at the end of your article where you include links to all of them.
How to submit your article:
When your post is ready, submit it via this form.
We look forward to your story!