You Can Build Wealth Without Wall Street, Here’s How…

Steven Droege
Plus Marketing
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2020

My wife and I used to be in massive debt. However, we went from debt to financial freedom, all while living in Hawaii.

I’m going to reveal the seven steps we follow (and you can follow) to lead yourself to a wealthy life (WITHOUT Wall Street). Follow this exact order:

Step One: Add

Step Two: Subtract

Step Three: Multiply

Step Four: Invest

Step Five: Avoid

Step Six: Insure

Step Seven: Scale

My wife and I made the decision a few years ago that we needed to be wealthy. We were drowning in bad debt like cars, loans, and subscription services.

I wanted to take care of our money issues once and for all, so I dreamed of the days when we would finally get rid of our liabilities that were making everyone else rich.

However, many of our liabilities at the time were under contracts. So, I needed to pay those liabilities off, or it would ruin our credit and force us into collections and repossessions.

I felt trapped, scared, and frustrated because my past decisions were ruining our life!

If we didn’t master our finances, we faced hunger and homelessness; I’ll never forget those weeks when we didn’t know how we would be able to eat.

Then a once in a lifetime blessing happened…

Someone close to us stepped in and gave us the money to break free. Remember, It’s what we do with our blessings that count.

As a result of this second chance, we committed to becoming extraordinary with our finances and developed our unbreakable system to build permanent wealth.

Not only would we never suffer bad debt again, but we started getting ahead, WAY ahead.

We decided we need to teach our system to others because finances touch the lives of everyone.

But our problem was that we needed our system to have the potential to scale to millions of people…

So, recently I started writing my next book, which teaches our system in detail.

By writing this book, people can follow it like a recipe and build a legacy of unbreakable wealth for their family.

This system means that you will stop living paycheck to paycheck, you’ll finally stop having too much “month” left at the end of the money, and you’ll create a new legacy of wealth and prosperity for the people you love.

For my wife and me, it’s given us our life back. Despite the challenges of 2020, we’ve made more money in less time than ever before.

Most importantly, we’ll never miss our children’s most important moments in life. We’ll never again live for Fridays, commute in traffic, or do anything we don’t choose to do.

We will teach our children our unbreakable system, creating generations of wealth and freedom in our family! The components of this system have stood the test of time, building wealth for over 200+ years through every financial crisis.

Ultimately, our family has the power of choice that few people have right now.

What I want you to take from this lesson is that you can be free. We will show you how to:

(1) Add more income

(2) Subtract your expenses

(3) Multiply your savings

(4) Invest what you multiply

(5) Avoid financial traps

(6) Insure your wealth

(7) Scale your system

Your next step is to subscribe to us and get “Lead Your Life.We will show you how to use leadership to take your success to the next level, all while increasing your freedom to do the things you love.

Imagine yourself 12 months from now when you have the freedom and lifestyle you crave. How amazing would it feel to wake up and live life on your terms?

Get “Lead Your Life,and we’ll work together to make your dreams a reality. You and your family deserve it!

See you soon,


