Tips for an interview from PlusMinusOne

Plus Minus One
Published in
6 min readMay 24, 2023

Getting Started

Preparing for an interview takes a lot more than Googling a list of “common interview questions (though yes, you should 100% be ready for those). Remote interviews became increasingly popular in response to the physical restrictions the Covid-19 pandemic brought. Remote interviewing has become a useful tool for both on-site and remote roles.

Online interview

Don’t worry it is not different from face-to-face interview, Also there is more advantages like time planning and choosing a background. Just be sure all steps are done.

Consider following these steps to prepare effectively for your online interview:

1)Test your technology

Familiarize yourself with the necessary equipment and software before your interview appointment. Make sure that your microphone and speakers are working, and ensure your internet connection supports high-quality live video. You may also want to check and make sure you’re using a professional screen name that interviewers can easily recognize.

2) Consider your location

Before the scheduled interview time, select a location for your interview. Find a quiet room with minimal background noise and no distractions. Make sure you have adequate lighting (preferably natural) and that nothing is distracting behind you. Ensure your housemates know not to disturb you and shut any pets out of the room. A professional backdrop will show the interviewer you are serious about the interview and the job.

3)Wear casual clothing like face to face interview

Although you may be conducting an online interview from your home, wearing professional attire can help you focus and give you confidence. Wearing comfortable, clean clothes and having your hair combed or pinned away from your face can make you feel more confident and allow you to communicate experience and skills when meeting with an employer. Whether

you’re meeting with an interviewer online or in person, choose something that still reflects your personality and taste while maintaining your professionalism.

4)Arrange for children and pets

Even if you’re conducting the video interview from your home, it’s a good idea to plan child or pet care to minimize distractions during your call. You may want to schedule at least an hour with your caregiver to allow yourself time to calm down and focus before an interview. If you ask the caregiver to come to your home, ask them to stay with your child or pet away from where you plan to interview.

So what do we pay attention to in job interviews?

At PM1, adding individuals to the organization can influence our success far more than it does at other companies either in a positive or negative direction.

Missing out on having that great person is likely the most expensive kind of mistake we can make.

Usually, it’s immediately obvious whether or not we’ve done a great job hiring someone. Sometimes it takes time to understand whether a new person is fitting in. This is one downside of the organic design of the company a poor decision can cause lots of damage, and can sometimes go unchecked for too long.

Ultimately, people who cause damage always get weeded out, but the harm they do can still be significant

There are 4 attributes that we value in people.

  1. Entrepreneurial
    Don’t wait for someone else to build it.
  2. Adaptable
    Innately curious and constantly changing. Life-long learner.
  3. Humble
    Self-aware and respectful. The very best people are self-aware and self-critical — not arrogant.
  4. Generous
    Sharing is caring. Give more than you get. We believe in the power of communities to make a bigger impact.

Tips for a successful interview

Want to ace your next interview and land that open job you’ve been seeking? Here are tips to help you prepare.

1)Before the interview

Research the company and interviewers: Understanding key information about the company you’re interviewing with can help you go into your interview with confidence. Using the company’s website, social media posts, and recent press releases will provide a solid understanding of the company’s goals and how your background makes you a great fit.

Reread the job description

Think about examples from your past and current work that align with these requirements.

Use the STAR method

Prepare to be asked about times in the past when you used a specific skill and use the STAR method to tell stories with a clear Situation, Task, Action, and Result.

“The STAR method is a structured approach commonly used in job interviews to provide clear and concise responses to behavioral questions. Here’s a breakdown of each component:

  • Situation: Begin by describing the context or situation you were in. Set the stage by explaining the background and any relevant details.
  • Task: Explain the specific task or goal you needed to accomplish within that situation. Highlight the challenges or objectives you faced.
  • Action: Describe the actions you took to address the situation and achieve the task. Focus on what you did, emphasizing your skills, abilities, and decision-making process. Be sure to mention any steps you took to overcome obstacles.
  • Result: Share the outcome or result of your actions. Emphasize the positive impact you made and quantify your achievements whenever possible. Discuss what you learned from the experience or any valuable insights gained.

By using the STAR method, you provide a structured and organized response that showcases your ability to handle situations effectively and demonstrate key skills.”

Prepare questions for your interviewers

Interviews are a two-way street. Employers expect you to ask questions: They want to know that you’re thinking seriously about what it would be like to work there.

Be on time

This often means 10 minutes early. For the online interview just be on time. if you are going to be late, be sure to let the interviewer know in advance.

2)During the interview

Preparation is the key. When you are ready before the interview you have completed a big part of it.

Don’t be embarrassed if you are nervous

As you gain experience, you’ll feel more at ease with the interviewing process.

Just be yourself

Tell the truth. Lies and exaggeration will come back to haunt you. Just don’t want to get the job. Make sure this role and company are a good match for you.

Listen carefully to the interviewer

Be sure you understand the question; if not, ask for clarification, or restate it in your own words. Answer completely and concisely. Stick to the subject at hand.

Tell your story in a timeline

It’s actually a storytelling thing. No one can tell your own story better than you. Set a flow in your mind and apply the STAR technique.

Wait for the interviewer to mention salary and benefits

To research pay scales, refer to salary surveys and information on the Career Services website on in the career library. And of course, you can say your salary and benefits expectations.

Close on a positive, enthusiastic note

Ask what the next step will be. Thank the interviewer for his/her time and express your interest in the job. Leave quickly and courteously with a handshake and a smile.

No interview is complete until you follow up with a thank-you note

Express your appreciation for the interview and, if true, reaffirm your interest. This last step can make a difference. Don’t forget it.

If you want to be a part of the great team, check out our openings. At PlusMinusOne, we love to learn and share our experiences. We hope this article makes your life easier 🙏🏻

