An Advanced Research Tool that Puts the Rest to Shame

Sarah Little
Pluto Labs
Published in
3 min readJan 29, 2024

If you’ve ever written a paper, you understand the value of academic search tools. Recognizing the limitations of simple keyword searches, as offered by almost all search engines, Scinapse has developed something more.

By transforming the researcher workflow by optimizing the time and resources required, Scinapse has developed an in-depth exploration of the research ecosystem, providing insights that extend beyond conventional paper searches with the new Pro Plan.

Scinapse Pro is designed to optimize researcher workflows and maximize the utility of time and resources. Scinapse distinguishes itself by offering comprehensive data and analytical tools, a leap forward from standard search methods. It provides a quick understanding of research trends across various fields without the necessity of reading each paper. This approach, focusing on trends and insights drawn from multiple papers, streamlines research activities, significantly reducing the time spent on literature review.

Two key features make Scinapse Pro a worthwhile tool: Research Intelligence and Expert Finder.

Research Intelligence: A Data-Driven Approach

Research Intelligence transforms traditional academic search methods by offering a deeper, data-driven analysis of research trends and developments:

  • Advanced Data Analysis: Sophisticated algorithms analyze papers across fields, offering a nuanced understanding of trends and patterns.
  • Statistical Insights: This feature provides essential statistical analysis, allowing users to gauge the impact and relevance of studies quickly.
  • Researcher and Paper Profiling: Detailed profiles of researchers and papers help users understand authors’ influence and the significance of their publications.
  • Customizable Search Filters: Tailor searches to specific needs using filters like publication date, research field, and authorship, affiliation etc.
  • Trend Identification: Aggregating and analyzing data, this tool identifies emerging research trends, keeping users at the forefront of their field.

Expert Finder: Connecting You with Top Experts

Expert Finder takes the search for academic expertise to the next level, moving beyond basic keywords to uncover top figures in any research area:

  • Comprehensive Expert Search: Discover and vet potential researchers for specific assignments and consultancies.
  • Streamlined Recruitment: Simplify the hiring process for in-house researchers and new faculty members with the desired academic prowess.
  • Comparative Laboratory Analysis: Assess influential laboratories across disciplines, pinpointing leaders in each field.
  • Fostering Collaborative Ventures: Identify potential labs for joint research, promoting interdisciplinary progress.

Scinapse Pro is not just an academic search tool; it’s a comprehensive solution for modern-day research challenges. By leveraging these advanced features, researchers, institutions, and companies can navigate the vast ocean of academic literature and expertise with unprecedented ease and precision.

Read more by Pluto Labs: 2-Year Impact Factor. A Guide for Academics and Researchers.

Pluto Labs

Pluto Labs helps researchers focus on their research by improving several inefficiencies in the academic research process. We offer data-driven insights from academic papers, allowing users to easily obtain review-level results for their desired range of papers.



Sarah Little
Pluto Labs

Passionate about accessibility to academic information & data. A true believer that higher education & published papers should not only be for the wealthy.