Using AI for filtering and analytic results in academia, rather than wasting time on ChatGPT.

Sarah Little
Pluto Labs
Published in
3 min readMar 26, 2024

[Scinapse Monday Series — “AI” Part 4]

Anyone in academia can agree that the pursuit of knowledge is both a noble and a daunting challenge. It demands not only the intellect and dedication of the researcher but also an arsenal of research tools capable of slicing through the dense underbrush of data that our digital age has amassed.

Research Intelligence is a sophisticated filter for research trends that offers a range of insights based on the filtered targets set (search results). Scinapse is capable of providing this sophisticated feature through the use of academic paper data & complex algorithms enhanced by AI, to pinpoint the highest quality and most precise results.

The essence of Research Intelligence lies in its dual nature; it is equipped with both simple and advanced filtering options, reflecting an understanding of the multifaceted requirements of researchers. This versatility speaks to the tool’s foundational premise: that research is not a monolithic pursuit but a spectrum of inquiries, each demanding a unique approach.

Trends, as a feature, stands as a testament to the tool’s prowess. It allows researchers to explore their field with ease, unveiling a diverse range of analysis results and visualization data. This is particularly invaluable when one is at the crossroads of crafting a research proposal or planning a new product. The ability to track paper trends over time, discern the growth of specific fields or filtered targets, and identify impactful recent reviews or highly cited recent papers is akin to navigating by the stars — it provides orientation and guidance in the otherwise obscure night of uncertainty.

The Recent Leading Researchers feature further refines this journey of discovery. It enables the researcher to identify the most influential minds within the filtered targets, thereby providing a map to the intellectual giants upon whose shoulders we stand. This feature is not merely about recognition; it is about understanding the lineage of thought and the evolution of discourse within the academic sphere.

Similarly, Top Affiliations and Countries extend the dimensions of analysis, allowing for the identification of the most actively researching institutions based on the lead author’s affiliation. This level of analysis brings into focus the collaborative nature of academic research, highlighting the institutions that are at the forefront of inquiry and innovation.

Paper set quality & quantity as a feature offers two equally important sides of a coin. Quality reflects the depth, innovation, and impact of research, marking the capacity to contribute novel insights to scholarly dialogue. Quantity, meanwhile, illustrates the breadth of inquiry, evidencing sustained engagement with complex questions. Research Intelligence adeptly navigates this balance, offering insights not only into the volume of contributions but also their resonant impact within the academic community.

Top original papers offer insight into original papers within the paper set that have outshined the rest making it easy to identify them effortlessly. Original papers stand at the forefront of academic innovation. Identifying these top original contributions is crucial, as it celebrates groundbreaking research and guides future inquiries.

Research Intelligence is not just a tool; it is a companion in the odyssey of understanding. It recognizes that the fabric of knowledge is woven from threads of individual inquiry, collective endeavor, and the relentless pursuit of truth. It serves as a lens, bringing into focus the intricate patterns of academic achievement and the ever-evolving landscape of human thought & discovery.

Read more from Pluto Labs: The Amount of Literature Keeps Growing, So How Do I Find the Right Academic Paper?

Pluto Labs

Pluto Labs helps researchers focus on their research by improving several inefficiencies in the academic research process. We offer data-driven insights from academic papers, allowing users to easily obtain review-level results for their desired range of papers.



Sarah Little
Pluto Labs

Passionate about accessibility to academic information & data. A true believer that higher education & published papers should not only be for the wealthy.