Pluto is officially out in the wild.

Pluto Money
The Pluto Blog
Published in
4 min readOct 12, 2017

Along with our new Peer Data Insights engine! 👭💰🙊👬

A Quick Update

You might have heard about our invite-only Beta launch a few months back (read about it here). Well, it’s been one hell of a ride since then. 🔥

We’ve helped our incredible early adopters save over $16k by motivating them, holding them accountable for their saving goals and spending challenges, and making money management a lot more approachable and stress-free. But most importantly, we got so much valuable feedback that we’ve taken to heart and will continue to improve the experience with.

While there’s still many more exciting features and enhancements to roll out, we wanted to go ahead and open up Pluto Beta to everyone! Because we want everyone to experience how simple and engaging personal financial management can be. That’s right, no more invite codes. 🎉 🙌

Introducing Peer Data Insights

Pretend you find out that you spend about $150 a month on eating out, which is roughly 7% of your monthly income. You’re probably wondering:

Is this good, bad or okay? Is this normal or abnormal compared to others like me? What’s a realistic, comfortable amount for me to spend on eating out this month?

Sure, you can look at your personal financial situation and realize that you should cut down on eating out, so you can pay for college tuition or save for an upcoming trip. But all those questions above remain largely unanswered.

When you answer complex questions and make hard decisions, you want as much relevant and contextual info as you can get to arrive at the best solution possible. Unfortunately, most existing personal finance tools lack an important chunk of info. Peer data. 💥

When you layer peer insights on top of personal insights, a whole new level of clarity on your finances is unlocked.💡

Peer data tells you where you stand compared to similar peers, and gives you a sense of what’s socially normal and realistic. Peer data also motivates you, whether through the desire for social validation, thirst for competition, or self-reflection of your habits as a result of social pressure.

We’re starting out with 3 criteria (age, gender, college campus) and peer data for spending categories. But fear not, we’ll be quickly expanding the available criteria and releasing new insights in the coming days and weeks! 👌

Unlock Peer Data on Your College Campus

Imagine if you could compare your finances to similar peers on your college campus. Well, that wasn’t really possible until now!

College students are a unique bunch. Zip codes are too broad to accurately measure their peer data. That’s why we offer college campuses as a criteria. Your college campus needs at least 100 students to have signed up and linked their banks to Pluto in order to unlock the feature. That way, the data will start out more accurate and useful for everyone when it’s shown. And of course, the more Pluto users, the more accurate peer data becomes!

We’re starting with UCLA, Seattle University and University of Arizona, and will roll this out to more colleges based on demand. So share Pluto with your friends (college or not) and send in those new college requests!

Get started with Pluto’s Public Beta on iOS

We’re available for download on the App Store! ☝️ We’re not on Android yet, but you can join the Android waitlist on our website to get updates.

There’s a ton more features and improvements coming your way, including powerful personal insights, smarter notifications and more categories. We can’t wait for you to join our journey to reimagine money management for today’s generation and the ones to come. Let’s do this together! 💪

Onwards and upwards,
The Pluto Team

#makeithappen with Pluto, the free mobile app that empowers you to reach your saving goals by doing simple challenges tailored to your finances. Now in Public Beta & available on the App Store! 🚀

