What a Biden Presidency Means for FinTech 拜登任总统对金融科技意味着什么

Will decentralized finance & cryptocurrency be boosted under the new US President-elect’s term? Here are the possibilities. 在美国新当选总统任期内,分散的金融和加密货币是否会得到提振?以下是可能性。

What a Biden Presidency Means for FinTech | Plutus Capital

While the use of blockchain technology in finance has progressed tremendously in Asia, especially in China and Singapore, the United States is still catching up on global developments in financial technology and cryptocurrency.

One reason is the outdated regulatory framework, which does not prevent FinTech talent from taking their expertise outside of America. There is also a lack of support from outgoing President Donald Trump, who previously tweeted that he is “not a fan of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies”.

However, the poor performance of traditional markets, as well as the impact of Covid-19 on America in 2020, has people turning towards the potential of FinTech.

In a speech last month at the 10th Annual Consumer Research Symposium, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp Chairman Jelena McWilliams said, “Findings from multiple years of the survey suggest that the unbanked rate is likely to rise as the unemployment rate rose from its level prior to the pandemic.”

FinTech Fills Financial Gaps

The basis of FinTech has been about financial inclusion by providing financial services to those who are unable to obtain them from banks.

As 2020 progressed and more jobs were lost, the number of people and businesses in America who require financial services has increased. Bank loans are inaccessible to those who do not have a credit rating, a job, or a bank account.

This situation has allowed FinTech providers to step in.

Lending apps and platforms in the space do not require minimum deposit amounts to open an account, which enables people to easily access financial services.

Small businesses in America who qualify for the Paycheck Protection Program now also have the option to lend from BlueVine, Funding Circle, and Kabbage. These FinTech lenders have been included successfully in the program, alongside traditional banks.

FinTech & Crypto Savvy Democrats

The Democratic Party has also been known to support initiatives for financial inclusion. These include proposals to reestablish postal banking and for public banks, both of which would provide banking services to Americans who have no bank accounts.

While US President-elect Joe Biden has not publicly stated his stance on Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies, or finalised his administration, there are a few Democrat leaders who have been identified as tech and financial savvy.

According to a report by the Wall Street Journal, Biden is considering Commodity Futures Trading Commission former chairman Gary Gensler to advise on financial policy. Gensler is savvy about FinTech and crypto, and has acknowledged blockchain technology as a “change catalyst” for the US financial services policy.

Also pegged to join the Biden administration as a potential Treasury Secretary is former presidential candidate Senator Elizabeth Warren. Warren is an advocate for consumer financial protection, having helped create the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under the Obama administration.

She has made public comments on how average consumers could potentially be burned if they do not fully understand what financial products they are buying. She said, “The challenge is how to nurture productive aspects of crypto with protecting consumers.”

Another potential Treasury Secretary is current Federal Reserve Governor Lael Brainard, who is highly familiar with blockchain technology and has a deep interest in central bank digital currencies.

On the team of Vice President-elect Kamala Harris is Ryan Montoya, who is her Director of Scheduling and Advance. Montoya is the former Chief Technical Officer of the Sacramento Kings, which is known as the most tech-forward and crypto-friendly team of the NBA. Montoya will be instrumental in arranging for the people she meets during her term.

There is no news yet about whether former Democratic presidential hopeful and member of the Biden campaign team Andrew Yang will be part of the president-elect’s administration.

Yang was labelled the crypto candidate during his campaign, due to his ideas in adopting blockchain technology and cryptocurrency for administrative and financial regulation, and has spoken a few times about Bitcoin.

Should he be included in the Biden administration, Yang could turn the spotlight on establishing sensible regulations for crypto assets.

Potential Growth for the Benefit of End-Users

There are many factors that will determine the impact of Biden’s presidency on FinTech and cryptocurrency. One would be whether Democrats have control of the Senate and the composition of the Supreme Court.

Regardless, FinTech experts believe that the Biden administration could be more welcoming about crypto than the Trump administration. Democrats have historically been more protective of end-users in the areas of finance and technology. Also, several Democrats have spoken about financial inclusion, which is the driving principle behind decentralized finance and cryptocurrency.

Therefore, it is possible that under the 46th US President’s term, America could see huge growth in the country’s FinTech space.

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Plutus Capital is backed by a FinTech system built on a public blockchain, where an individual can enforce greater control of his own funds. The Plutus blockchain and token rely on the tamper-proof nature of ledger as well as smart contract and validation to ensure all processes are safe and secure.

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拜登任总统对金融科技意味着什么 | 普利拓斯


原因之一是过时的监管框架,但这并不能阻止金融技术人才将其专业知识带到美国以外。离任总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)也缺乏支持,他此前曾在推特上发帖说,他“不是比特币和其他加密货币的粉丝”。


上个月在第十届年度消费者研究研讨会上的演讲中,联邦存款保险公司董事长耶琳娜·麦克威廉斯(Jelena McWilliams)说:“多年调查的结果表明,随着失业率从大流行前的水平上升,无银行账户的利率可能会上升。”






在美国符合薪资保护计划 (Paycheck Protection Program)的小型企业现在还可以选择从BlueVineFunding CircleKabbage贷款。这些金融科技贷方已经与传统银行一起成功纳入该计划。




根据《华尔街日报》的一份报告,拜登正在考虑商品期货交易委员会前主席加里·根斯勒(Gary Gensler)为金融政策提供建议。 根斯勒精通金融科技和加密货币,并承认区块链技术是美国金融服务政策的“变革催化剂”。

前总统候选人伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)参议员也被确定加入拜登政府,作为潜在的财政部长。沃伦是消费者金融保护的倡导者,曾在奥巴马政府的帮助下成立了消费者金融保护局(Consumer Financial Protection Bureau)。


另一位潜在的财政部长是现任美联储理事莱尔·布雷纳德(Lael Brainard),他对区块链技术非常熟悉,并且对央行数字货币怀有浓厚的兴趣。

在团队当选副总统卡马拉·哈里斯是瑞安·蒙托亚,她的计划和进展的董事。蒙托亚是萨克拉曼多国王队(Sacramento Kings)的前首席技术官,萨克拉曼多国王队被称为NBA最先进的技术和加密货币友好型球队。蒙托亚将在她任职期间遇到的人们中发挥重要作用。







从历史上看,民主党人在金融和技术领域更加保护最终用户。 同样,一些民主党人谈到了金融普惠性,这是分散金融和加密货币背后的驱动原理。







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