Who Owns the Plutus Blockchain & Token? 谁拥有普利拓斯区块链和P币?

How does the FinTech app work, and who truly has control over the Plutus blockchain & token? 金融科技平台是如何运作的,谁真正控制了P币和普利拓斯区块链?

What is Decentralisation

The best way to understand decentralisation is to know what centralisation is. A centralised system is where one individual or company makes all the decisions. In comparison, when a system is decentralised, it means that actions in regards to planning and decision making are distributed among a few entities. No one owns the decentralised item. Instead, everyone owns, and is responsible for, the item.

Decentralised technology such as blockchain are open-source and permissionless. Cryptocurrencies built on blockchain technology are not controlled by any financial intermediary i.e. bank, or one person.

These same financial intermediaries limit the access of financial services such as borrowing funds, by implementing factors such as costly fees, minimum investment amounts, credit rating for borrowing, and geographical limitations for investment.

FinTech apps aim to decentralise this control by facilitating secure and transparent transactions of cryptocurrencies. So that anyone is able to invest, trade, and borrow funds.

These FinTech apps enable cryptocurrencies to be transferred directly from one party to another without a central intermediary i.e. bank or investment institution, and quickly facilitate the bridging of two different currencies.

This allows more people to have access to financial tools. These tools were once only available to institutional investors or via intermediaries. Today, they are for everyone.

Plutus FinTech App

The Plutus app is a FinTech platform backed by a decentralised blockchain as well as decentralised token.

This means that the Plutus token is not in full control of only one person, which means that no single person owns or controls it.

The Plutus Chain has multiple masternodes that are run on the cloud. A global network of servers sit on the cloud, allowing users to quickly scale on the cloud so as to adapt to volume demands and downloads.

Thus, the Plutus token is collectively owned by the users of the platform, known as the Plutus community. People like you and me own the platform and have the power to determine how the platform will continue to grow.

The Plutus community shares in the terms of governance for the platform, its future plans, and where the community is moving to next. As the Plutus community grows globally, we will allow more individuals and institutions around the world to run their own nodes.

Join the Plutus Community

Be part of the Plutus community today by getting PLT tokens with USDT.

As long as you have a smartphone, you will be able to install the Plutus FinTEch application and quickly access the borrowing & staking services on our platform.


Before you buy or invest in Plutus tokens, please take time to understand the rewards model, as well as the risks involved. All decisions that you make on the Plutus platform will be your sole responsibility.

About Plutus Capital

Plutus Capital is backed by a FinTech system built on a public blockchain, where an individual can enforce greater control of his own funds. The Plutus blockchain and token rely on the tamper-proof nature of ledger as well as smart contract and validation to ensure all processes are safe and secure.

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Plutus Capital
Plutus Capital - Decentralised Financial Services for the World

Plutus Capital allows anyone & everyone access to financial services for full control of your funds & financial investments. https://plutuscap.com