Engineering Plutus — New & Improved

Published in
4 min readApr 1, 2017
Full speed ahead!

The dev team has now grown to 8 developers pushing their limits. And since then, our codebase has increased substantially and automated KYC has gone live for the PlutusDEX.

If you haven’t already, please take a look at the general update recently posted by our CTO, Chris, where he talks about new hires and explains the restructuring of our development team. You can read more on his Medium blog below:

Highlights from this previous update include:

  • underwent an overhaul of its development team and optimized cooperation using short and directed goal-based initiatives (a.k.a “sprints”).
  • PlutusDEX back-end development is moving forwards. 5 new specialized developers are coordinating on various aspects of our platform under the close guidance of our CTO.
  • An exceptional UX developer has joined our mission to make Plutus seamlessly beautiful — Filippos Protogeridis. Be sure to click here to take a look at some of his previous work.

Since then, a lot more has happened. And based on our community feedback, we have become aware that many of you were interested to see more technical details of our progress. To address this request, we are proud to present our first engineering update put together by our dedicated CTO, Christopher Gilbert.

Major improvements implemented thus far include UX/Design, the Plutus Payments Platform, PlutusDEX, and the Core Architecture of Plutus itself.


In terms of UX & Design, we have established an official design style guide to act as a foundation across all supported platforms. This will ensure that all styles of our platform will be congruent and complementary. On the same note, we have refactored a lot of our existing prototype designs to flow more evenly.


  • Revamping the design of the Android app to make sure that all user flows are ready for further integration with the DEX API.
  • Delivering ideation and design of a new DEX Dashboard that meets both the high standards of today’s trading ecosystem, and the UX expectations of our users.
  • Improving KYC verification procedure, which has the goal of being both more intuitive and accessible.
  • Implementing a simplified onboarding process for the PlutusDEX and it’s click-through Welcome Wizard.


On the side of payments, our VDC access is still completing compliance review as the team continues to work on integration. However, we are not letting this affect our speed as it is expected to complete this month. We are optimizing our DevOps to be able to ship releases more reliably, more often.


  • Upgraded CI server to support our new CI / CD process, which will enable us to ship releases more often and with improved reliability.
  • Added mobile management of physical debit cards and NFC tags (stickers for iOS users).


The PlutusDEX is what sets Plutus apart from the rest. This means that it requires a close watch and utmost scrutiny during development. Here, our developers don’t shy away from getting their hands dirty with testing and QA.


  • Recently pushed a hotfix release which includes various improvements including fixes in KYC verification workflow, as well as several miscellaneous tweaks.
  • Improved code quality.
  • Improved test coverage.

Plutus Tap & Pay (Android)

The Plutus Tap & Pay app is what most Plutoneers will be wielding in their hand on a regular basis. Naturally, this means that it has to have a solid API and make a great first impression. A lot has been accomplished on this front as well.

  • Complete refactoring of sign-up and login screen, added unit tests.
  • Updated UI and refactoring of Wallet screen.
  • Awaiting PlutusDEX integration to enable deposits on the Tap and Pay app.

Note: We also noticed that several members of our community have mentioned login screens as a point of concern, and have taken this advice to heart.

While speed and convenience are both important in FinTech, at the end of the day the top priority is always stability. Here the Plutus ecosystem, acting as a bridge between blockchain and traditional finance, is no exception.

For this reason, we are keeping a close watch on our core architecture and navigating this critical aspect as the main requirement for the successful deployment of all future Plutus software. Security remains paramount above all else.


  • Developed payment verification prototype, capable of sustaining over 150k concurrent connections on a single laptop.
  • Overhaul of the system architecture, considering DBMS requirements, messaging, reliable pub/sub.
  • Design and discussion of centralised log aggregation using ELK stack.

Meet the Team

New Hires

Velan Vijatovic (Senior Full-Stack Engineer)
Keerthi Thomas (Senior DevOps Engineer)

Martin Szyllo (Project Manager / Technical Architect)
Karol Kowalski (Senior Full-Stack Engineer)


Alexey Barashkov (Senior Full-Stack Engineer)
Vladimir Shkondin (Android Engineer)
Nikita Teplyakov (DevOps Engineer)

What do you believe would be the best way for the Plutus team to interact with the community in the future?

Let us know your ideas! Or if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us by replying to this email or joining our slack:


The Plutus Team




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